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Monday, June 8, 2015

September 26 News - 1858 - The Dead Alive.

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated September 26, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the September 26 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
    New Shoreham, Rhode Island, USA (Block Island)


    PROVIDENCE, R. I., Sept. 25 (AP) — The steamship "City of Rome" was in collision and sunk the submerged submarine S-51, twenty miles east of Block Island, at about 7:30 o'clock tonight. Thirty-seven men aboard the submarine are reported drowned. Three men were picked up by the "City of Rome," which sent a message to the submarine base at New London, reporting the accident.

    Lieutenant H. Dobson was the commander of the submarine. Lieutenant Dobson is from New York State, according to the... Read MORE...

    The New York Times -  New York, New York -  September 26, 1925

    1892 advertisement

    No Mosquitoes
    Will Bite You!
    If you use freely HARLOW'S 'COMFORT' for Sportsmen, Anglers, or others who frequent the woods at this season.
    This has been used and approved for years. There is no better preparation in the market. Wholesale or retail.

    N.S. Harlow
    4 Smith Block
    Bangor, Maine

    Bangor Daily Whig and Courier
    Bangor, Maine
    June 30, 1892

    Visit Bangor, Maine, USA!

    Tallahassee, Florida, USA


    Tallahassee, Fla., Sept. 25 (AP) - The death toll in the crash of two jet planes being evacuated from the path of Hurricane Flossy rose to five today with discovery of the body of CAPT. ROBERT D. WILLERFORD of Tyndall Field.

    He died in the wreckage of his plane after it had collided in flight with a second jet which landed on an isolated house 12 miles east of here, killing an expectant mother and her three small children.

    The pilot of the other plane, LT. RODERICK ADAMS of Macon, Miss.,... Read MORE...

    Panama City News-Herald -  Panama City, Florida -  September 26, 1956

    Great Falls, Montana, USA

    1911 - FORMER RESIDENT OF CITY KILLED. J. M. McCoy Was Struck by Passenger Train at Great Falls Friday Evening.

    J. M. McCoy, formerly a resident of Grand Forks, was struck by a Great Northern passenger train while walking across a railroad bridge at Great Falls, Mont., Friday evening and died Saturday morning. Miss Anna McCoy, who left the city a short time ago for Great Falls, but who was visiting in Grand Junction, Colo., at the time, is a daughter.

    In the accident Mr. McCoy was thrown over the bridge and to the rocks near the water's edge. His skull was fractured, one ankle was broken and he was... Read MORE...

    The Grand Forks Daily Herald -  Grand Forks, North Dakota -  September 26, 1911

    Baie-Saint-Paul, Québec, Canada (Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul-de-Baie-Saint-Paul)

    1858 - The Dead Alive.

    A few days ago, a respectable man in the employment of one of the largest mercantile houses in Quebec, took passage in a schooner for Baie St. Paul, on a visit to his relations. He carried with him a good stock of wearing apparel, and a check for the amount of his wages, a considerable sum.

    On the voyage he fell sick, and apparently died, or what is more probable, became insensible, from some narcotic administered to him. The captain of the schooner having taken possession of his clothing... Read MORE...

    Newbern Daily Progress -  New Bern, North Carolina -  September 26, 1858


    1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

    Good Coffee - Put a sufficient quantity of coffee in the pot and pour boiling water on it; stir and place it on the fire. As soon as four or five bubbles have risen take it off the fire and pour out a teacupful and return it; set it down for...Read MORE...

    The Willimantic Chronicle, Willimantic, Conn., July 12, 1882
    1777  September 26 - British General William Howe occupies Philadelphia during American Revolution

    Visit Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA!

    1834  Fall River vs. Tiverton
    The inhabitants of Fall River, Mass. and Tiverton, R. I. it appears are in a bit of a quarrel. A portion of the line between Massachusetts and Rhode Island, happens to run along within a clever stone's throw of the most populous part of Fall River, which town it also divides from Tiverton. The good people of Factory village refuse to license dram shops, while their Tiverton neighbors, agreeably to Rhode Island laws, license all applicants, either for the sale of rum or lottery tickets. The...
    Painesville Telegraph

    Visit Fall River, Massachusetts, USA!


    America - Did you know?

     In 1620, the Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts was established by Pilgrims from England. Before disembarking from their ship, the Mayflower, 41 male passengers signed the Mayflower Compact, an agreement that formed the basis of the colony's...Read MORE...


    Quebec - Did you know?

     The Château Frontenac in Quebec City is the most photographed hotel in the world.

    Picture of the Day

    Visit West Warwick, Rhode Island, USA (Arctic) (Natick) (Phenix) (Crompton)!

    Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

    Main Street, Riverpoint

    1868 advertisement

    Herring & Leyden
    Clothing House

    The Atlanta Constitution
    Atlanta, Georgia
    July 5, 1868

    Visit Atlanta, Georgia, USA!

    Died September 26


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