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Sunday, December 8, 2024

December 8 News - 1842 - Inmates Publish Newspaper

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated December 8, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the December 8 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
    Peterborough, New Hampshire, USA

    1902 - Flames Cause Serious Losses In Peterborough

    Peterborough. N. H., Dec. 7.---Tarbell’s block, a three story granite building owned by A. B. Tarbell, was gutted by fire early today, causing a loss of $15,000 on the building and $20,000 on personal property.

    The building, which was one of the most important in town, contained six stores, five of which were occupied, four offices and three tenements.

    The principal losers are Henry S. Peabody, a dealer in small wares, over $7000, Mrs. F. K. Langley, milliner, $5000, and Frank E. Russell, ... Read MORE...

    Portsmouth Herald -  Portsmouth, New Hampshire -  December 8, 1902

    1859 - The Public Pulse

    We copy a few throbs of the public pulse on John Brown's death as indicating the general public feeling on the subject. The first is the simple announcement from Charlestown.

    CHARLESTOWN, Dec. 2 - Noon.
    Brown was taken from the jail about 11 o'clock in a furniture wagon. He conversed freely with the soldiers around him. The execution took place at a quarter past 11 o'clock. He died apparently very easy. His body was taken down after being suspended thirty-five minutes, and will be sent to... Read MORE...

    Berlin City Courant -  Berlin, Wisconsin -  December 8, 1859

    Lewiston, Maine, USA

    1903 - HILL TRAGEDY. The Son is Alive and Resting Comfortably - An Operation Will be Performed. THE OLD FATHER BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN INSANE.

    The Details of the Sad Affair Which Caused a Sensation Yesterday Morning.

    A most shocking double tragedy occurred in Barkerville yester-day morning at 6.35, when Daniel W. Hill shot his son and then turned the weapon on himself and sent a bullet crashing through his brain resulting in instant death. The son, Daniel Hill, will probably live, although his condition is very critical.

    Daniel Hill, the son is fifty-two years of age and has a milk route in Lewiston. He was at the breakfast... Read MORE...

    The Lewiston Daily Sun -  Lewiston, Maine -  Tuesday, December 8, 1903


    1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

    Hot Cross Buns - Take two cups of milk, three of sugar, two eggs, half teaspoonful soda, half a cup of yeast, a little nutmeg and flour to make stiff enough to roll; let it stand over night; in the morning roll out small, set them close...Read MORE...

    The Willimantic Chronicle, Willimantic, Conn., August 25, 1880

    The Woodbury Soap Company is an American manufacturer of personal care products such as cold cream, facial cream, facial powder, after-shave talc and
    "The Woodbury Soap Company is an American manufacturer of personal care products such as cold cream, facial cream, facial powder, after-shave talc and ear swabs. Founded in Albany, New York in 1870, the company was sponsor to popular radio programs in the 1930s and 1940s.

    The John H. Woodbury company was established in 1870 in Albany, New York by a dermatologist. The company was still in New York in 1901, making and retailing soap, when the Andrew Jergens Company (now a subsidiary of Kao) purchased the company which owned the soap brand, and moved the headquarters to Cincinnati, Ohio." wikipedia

    Found at Old Drugstore, St Augustine, Florida

    Visit Albany, New York, USA (Fort Orange)!

    Bakersfield, California, USA


    Bakersfield, Dec. 7. - Six miners were entombed this morning by the caving of a shaft leading to the big steel pipe conduit which passes through a mountain 2000 feet at a high angle in the Kern river canyon, at Camp No. 1, of the Edison Power company plants, eighteen miles from this city.
    The names of the miners are:
    C. D. ROBLES.
    H. FARRIS.
    L. D. HICKS.

    Reports as to the seriousness of the accident are conflicting and from the office of GLASS... Read MORE...

    The Fresno Morning Republican -  Fresno, California -  December 8, 1906

    Ithaca, New York, USA


    Ithaca, N. Y., Dec. 7. - Seven persons met death this morning in the worst disaster that ever befell Cornell university. Three of the victims were volunteer firemen and four were students. The firemen were all prominent in this city.

    They were:
    A. S. ROBINSON, attorney.
    JOHN RUMSEY, hardware merchant.
    ESTY LANDON, salesman.

    The students were:
    O. L. SCHMAUCH of Hanover, Pa.
    G. W. GRELLE of South Orange, N. J.
    W. F. NICHOLS of Chicago.
    J. M. M'CUTCHEON of Pittsburg.

    The cause of...

    The Fresno Morning Republican -  Fresno, California -  December 8, 1906

    Victorian man 

    1800s Advice and Etiquette for Men

    Time is precious, life short, and consequently not a single moment should be lost . Sensible men know how to make the most of time, and put out their whole sum either to interest or pleasure : they are never idle , but continually employed either in ...Read MORE...

    Practical Morality, Or, A Guide to Men and Manners... (1813). United Kingdom: J. Walker.

    1902  Overheated Stove Causes Damage.
    The Weirs, N. H., Dec.7. - The large pail factory, together with the adjoining buildings owned by the Brown Lumber company, in Whitefield was burned last night, entailing a loss of $25,000, fully covered by insurance. The fire started from an overheated stove.

    Portsmouth Herald
    Portsmouth, New Hampshire
    December 8, 1902

    Visit Whitefield, New Hampshire, USA!

    1941  December 8 - WWII: President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt delivers his "Infamy Speech"
    President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt delivers his "Infamy Speech" to a Joint session of the United States Congress at 12:30 p.m. EST (17.30 GMT). Transmitted live over all four major national networks it attracts the largest audience ever for an American radio broadcast, over 81% of homes. Within an hour, Congress agrees to the President's request for a United States declaration of war upon Japan and he signs it at 4:10 p.m.
    December 8, 1941

    Visit , United States (USA) (American Colonies)!

    Trenton, N. J., Dec. 8. - THOMAS HOTCHKISS, a "rougher" in Roeblings' rolling mill, met a shocking death today. He was stepping down to repair a break when a red hot iron rod from the rolls ran into his bowels, passing out above his waist. He lived only a few minutes after the accident. HOTCHKISS came here from Worcester, Mass.

    Logansport Journal
    Logansport, Indiana
    December 8, 1889

    Visit Trenton, New Jersey, USA!

    1902  GUILFORD MEETS MISFORTUNE. The Principal Block Of The Town Destroyed By Fire.
    Guilford, Me., Dec. 7. - Fire early today destroyed Guilford's principal business block, caused a financial loss of fully $22,000 and left five secret societies without a meeting place in this town. The building was owned by Henry Douglas and Good Cheer lodge of Odd Fellows. A defective chimney is believed to have been the cause of the fire.

    Portsmouth Herald
    Portsmouth, New Hampshire
    December 8, 1902

    Visit Guilford, Maine, USA!

    QUEBEC, Dec. 7. - There is no truth to the rumors of a plague at Sillery. The deaths referred to in last night's dispatches were from typhoid fever.

    New York Herald-Tribune
    New York, New York
    December 8, 1879

    Visit Sillery, Québec, Québec, Canada (Mission Saint-Joseph-de-Sillery) (Saint-Colomb-de-Sillery)!

    1842  Inmates Publish Newspaper
    The inmates of the Insane Asylum at Brattleboro, Vermont, have commenced the publication of a weekly newspaper, called the Asylum Journal. - They have got out a 'crazy man's ticket' - the candidates selected, are from each of the great political parties. The Journal says, 'if we can unite the crazy ones of both parties we shall elect our candidates.'
    Jamestown Journal
    New York
    December 8, 1842

    Visit Brattleboro, Vermont, USA (West Brattleboro)!

    US flag 

    America - Did you know?

     Thanksgiving Myth: Pilgrims wore buckled hats. NOT TRUE.

    Canadian flag 

    Quebec - Did you know?

     During the 17th century, Irish inhabitants of France were sent to Quebec to help populate the area. Historians estimate that about 40% of the population in Quebec is of Irish descent.

    Picture of the Day

    Visit St Johnsbury, Vermont, USA!

    Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

    Birds Eye View looking Northeast
    Bird's Eye View looking Northeast
    A. K. Hawkes Company glasses found at Old Drugstore, St Augustine, Florida
    A. K. Hawkes Company glasses
    found at Old Drugstore, St Augustine, Florida

    Visit Atlanta, Georgia, USA!

    Died December 8


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