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Saturday, November 30, 2024

November 30 News - 1942 - Cocoanut Grove fire: A fire in the Cocoanut Grove night club in Boston, Massachusetts, kills 491.

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated November 30, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the November 30 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
    Benson, Vermont, USA

    1922 - A. L. HALE IS 52 YEARS POSTMASTER. Benson Landing Man Went Into Office in 1870 Under President Grant

    Benson Landing, Nov. 27 - A. L. Hale, an aged resident here, is rounding out his 52nd year as postmaster at Benson Landing and says he believes he is one of the oldest, if not the oldest postmaster, in point of service, in Vermont.

    Postmaster Hale went into office in 1870, under Grant's administration, and has been sorting mail and serving the needs of his patrons steadily ever since. Although now there are but ten or a dozen who call at the Benson Landing postoffice for their mail, things... Read MORE...

    St Albans Weekly Messanger -  St Albans, Vermont -  November 30, 1922

    1953 Queens Typewriter Co. ad
    1953 Queens Typewriter Co. ad

    Visit Long Island City, New York, USA!

    Southeast, New York, USA (Brewster) (Doanesburgh) (Dykemans) (Tilly Foster) (Milltown)


    Brewster, N.Y., Nov. 29 - This afternoon about thirty men were at work on the 400-foot level breaking ore and loading the cars sent down by the cable. About 3:30 o'clock the entire northwest wall, apparently containing over 100 tons of rock, fell into the pit, killing not less than eleven men, and inflicting serious injury upon nine others.
    William Aspell and four others ran and escaped. Five Italians also got out alive. The cable and its car were not injured. Aspell and his companions, as... Read MORE...

    The Sun -  New York -  November 30, 1895


    1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

    Cider Cake - One cup sugar, half a cup of butter, one egg well beaten, one large cup of cider, one teaspoonful of soda, flour sufficient to make it as thick as pound cake. One cup of raisins can be added if desired.

    1857 - Toilet paper is invented (Joseph Gayetty, United States)

    Really a Capital Production!
    The celebrity of Gayett's Medicated Paper for the water-closet is rapidly being extended throughout the United States. It is one of the best articles ever put before the public. It obviates the use of chemically-poisoned white paper, and paper stained with pile producing printer's ink. It is as fine and light as bank-note paper, and as tough as stout paper. Nothing of more value and utility was ever before offered to the public. 1000 sheets cost only $1. 500 sheets ... Read MORE...

    The Wheeling Daily Intelligencer -  Wheeling, West Virginia -  November 30, 1858

    1909 ad Atherton-Byard Furniture Co. 16 Washington Sq., Haverhill, Mass.  Kensington, New Hampshire, sketches and reminiscences by Mace, Ida M Pub
    1909 ad
    Atherton-Byard Furniture Co.
    16 Washington Sq., Haverhill, Mass.

    Kensington, New Hampshire, sketches and reminiscences by Mace, Ida M Published 1909

    Visit Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA (Ayers Village)!

    Boston, Massachusetts, USA

    1942 - November 28 - Cocoanut Grove fire: A fire in the Cocoanut Grove night club in Boston, Massachusetts, kills 491.


    Boston, Nov. 30 (AP) - A tiny match flame in the hands of a 16-year-old busboy touched off a lightning-like fire that snuffed out the lives of 477 Cocoanut Grove night club merrymakers and injured more than 200 - many seriously - in one of the nation's worst holocausts.

    Deputy Police Supt. JAMES R. CLAFLIN quoted the youth, STANLEY F. TOMASZEWSKI, as ... Read MORE...

    Lowell Sun -  Lowell, Massachusetts -  November 30, 1942

    Truro, Massachusetts, USA



    Boston, Mass., Nov. 29. - The steamer Portland, bound from Boston to Portland, went down off Truro, on the outside of Cape Cod, Sunday morning. Every man, woman, and child on board at the time of the disaster was drowned, in all 118.

    The list of passengers was on board the vessel. The following list, however, has been compiled as accurately as possible ... Read MORE...

    The New York Times -  New York, New York -  November 30, 1898

    Lowell, Massachusetts, USA


    A portion of Whipple's Mill, Lowell, was destroyed by fire on Thursday night. The fire broke out in the card room of of Messers. A. & J. Cowley, manufactures of cotton and woolen goods, and the flames spread with considerable rapidity. The loss was from $10,000 to $12,000. Among the losers are O. M. Whipple, who owned the building; insured in the Home Office, New York, for $25,000, which covers his loss. The Messrs. Cowley, manufacturers of woolen goods, loss $3000 or $4000, insured for $2000... Read MORE...

    The Farmers' Cabinet -  Amherst, New Hampshire -  November 30, 1860

    Victorian man 

    1800s Advice and Etiquette for Men

    Pleasure is the rock which most young people split upon ; they launch out with crowded sails in quest of it, but without a compass to direct their course, or reason sufficient to steer the vessel ; therefore pain and shame, instead of pleasure, are the returns of their voyage .
    Concord, New Hampshire, USA (Penacook) (Concord Heights) (East Concord) (West Concord)

    1920 - $150,000 FIRE AT CONCORD, N.H.



    Concord, N. H., Nov. 30. - Fire early this morning, practically destroyed White's Opera House block, with a loss estimated at $150,000. The bulk of the loss fell upon Edward J. Gallagher, publisher of the Concord Daily Patriot and owner of the block, but the Concord Chamber of Commerce, the Republican state committee, occupants of offices, Robert W.... Read MORE...

    Lowell Sun -  Lowell, Massachusetts -  November 30, 1920

    Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)



    Worcester, Mass., Nov. 30. - The most horrible accident which ever occurred in Southbridge happened there yesterday morning, and turned the day into one of sadness instead of thanksgiving, as the lives of two young men were shut out in a flash, two more were fatally injured and 18 others were more or less hurt, two of the latter not being expected to live.

    The injured men are all members of the Southbridge Y.M.C.A., and were on... Read MORE...

    Lowell Sun  -  Lowell, Massachusetts -  November 30, 1894

    Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA



    Bridgeport, Conn., Nov. 24. - The main building of Barnum & Bailey's "Greatest Show on Earth" was entirely destroyed by fire last evening. About 10:30 o'clock an alarm was sounded, quickly followed by a general alarm, and thousands of people were drawn to the spot. In less than... Read MORE...

    Waterloo Courier -  Iowa -  November 30, 1887

    1855  Amusing Incident
    The Caledonian relates an amusing incident that occurred at the Island Pond, Vt. Passenger House, on the 31st inst. - Among the passengers on the Montreal train, was an extremely large personage in the shape of a female. Her head and shoulders, the Caledonian says, were covered with a large old-fashioned shawl fastened uner the chin, while from underneath the shawl hugn a large mass of uncombed black hair, completely covering the upper part of her face. On her left arm she carried a satchel...

    New Hampshire Sentinel
    Keene, New Hampshire
    November 30, 1855

    Visit Brighton, Vermont, USA (Gilead) (Random) (Island Pond)!

    1896  November 30 - 'St. Augustine Monster': A large carcass, later postulated to be the remains of a gigantic octopus, is found washed ashore near St. Augustine, Florida.
    November 30, 1896

    Visit St Augustine, Florida, USA!

    1889  Accidentally Shot Dead
    LYNN, Mass., Nov. 27. - William F. Sartelle, of Worcester, Massachusetts, a performer in a dime museum here, was shot dead last night. He was performing a trick with a rifle, which he apparently loads with leaden bullets, and then requests some one to shoot at him, appearing to catch the bullet in his mouth. This time he failed to substitute a pasteboard bullet, and William Flannagan, who fired the gun, shot Sartelle dead.

    Tyrone Daily Herald
    Tyrone, Pennsylvania
    November 30, 1889

    Visit Lynn, Massachusetts, USA!

    1906  Train Wreck
    MERIDEN, Conn., Nov. 29.- Two light coupled engines, north-bound from New Haven on the main line of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad, crashed into a stalled freight train above Yalesville this morning, demolishing the caboose, two box cars, and one flat car, which was laden with oil barrels. Eugene Fowler of Windsor Locks and a brakeman named Lee, who were in the caboose, were badly injured.

    The New York Times
    New York, New York
    November 30, 1906

    Visit Meriden, Connecticut, USA!

    US flag 

    America - Did you know?

     1770: Boston Massacre: British troops fire into a mob, killing five men and leading to intense public protests.

    Canadian flag 

    Quebec - Did you know?

     On Sunday mornings, residents of New France attended Mass. The rest of the day was spent playing games or dancing or in friendly visits of one family with another.

    Picture of the Day

    Visit Brooklin, Maine, USA!

    Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

    Post Office, Brooklin, Me.
    Post Office, Brooklin, Me.
    1909 advertisement Carrs Ice Cream  Kensington, New Hampshire, sketches and reminiscences by Mace, Ida M Published 1909
    1909 advertisement
    Carr's Ice Cream

    Kensington, New Hampshire, sketches and reminiscences by Mace, Ida M Published 1909

    Visit Salisbury, Massachusetts, USA (Salisbury Beach)!

    Died November 30


    Friday, November 29, 2024

    November 29 News - 1866 - A New Religious Sect.

    Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated November 29, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the November 29 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
      Visit Montana
      Visit Montana

      Visit , Montana, USA!

      Fresno, California, USA

      1915 - INCENDIARY FIRE IN FRESNO - Blaze Threatens Business District. Man Confesses to Starting Fire.

      FRESNO. Nov. 29. - After fire wrought $30,000 damage in Frank Hickman's store and threatened to spread ruin throughout the business section early today. Arson charges were filed this afternoon against Hickman and his head salesman W. H. Jenks.

      Jenks, it is claimed, confessed he made preparations for firing the store with Hickman's knowledge and approval.

      Jenks was thrown into jail but Hickman is in San Francisco.

      According to Jenks' story, everything was in readiness to torch the... Read MORE...

      Riverside Daily Press -  Riverside, California -  November 29, 1915

      Michigan City, Indiana, USA


      Michigan City, Ind. (AP) -An explosion killed two more railroad men Wednesday as they began clearing the burning wreckage at a crossing where two trainmen and a gasoline truck driver had died.

      Seven other train wreck crewmen were hurt, one of them critically, but the two crewmen whose acetylene torch was blamed for the blast escaped unhurt. State police said the torch burned into a diesel fuel line on one of the wrecked locomotives.

      A Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad spokesman estimated a...

      Logansport Press -  Logansport, Indiana -  November 29, 1956


      1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

      RAILROAD CAKE 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoonful of butter beaten to a cream 3 eggs beaten to a froth 1 cup flour 3 tablespoonsful sweet milk 1 teaspoonful cream of tartar 1/2 teaspoonful soda 1/2 teaspoonful salt (from an 1888 cookbook)
      New Milford, New Jersey, USA


      New Milford, N.J., Nov. 29 - A fire engine, speeding to a brush fire which later burned itself out and an Interstate bus collided in the center of this community yesterday, killing two volunteer firemen and injuring several other persons including two women bus passengers.
      The crew of the fire truck was scattered over the pavement in the collision, while the bus carried through a store window and came to a halt halfway inside the shop.

      Police Chief HARRY L. JORDAN identified the dead...

      Gettysburg Times -  Gettysburg, Pennsylvania -  November 29, 1943

      1894  FIRE AT HINSDALE, N.H.
      Higgin's stable in the rear of Todd's block at Hinsdale, N. H., was totally destroyed by fire last night. The fire was discovered at about 10 p. m. The horses and carriages were all saved. O. H. Higgins, the proprietor, who slept in the office, lost $290 in money, all his books and papers and barely escaped with his life. There was no insurance. One other building was burned.

      Springfield Daily Republican
      Springfield, Massachusetts
      November 29, 1894

      Visit Hinsdale, New Hamsphire, USA!

      A careful revision of the aggregate of insurance carried by the sufferers in Tuesday's fire at Lyndonville, Vt., places it at $120,000. Twenty-six buildings were burned, including nine mercantile blocks, a hotel, two livery stables, five dwellings, six barns and three storehouses. In all 31 business firms and 28 families were burned out, the only business block left being a brick one on Main street, with one grocery store and one furniture store in it.. Gov. Woodbury had signed a bill...

      Springfield Daily Republican
      Springfield, Massachusetts
      November 29, 1894

      Visit Lyndon, Vermont, USA (Lyndonville) (Little Egypt)!

      1884  In Switzerland, you can send almost anything through the mails. Trunk, gripsack, hat-box, bag of potatoes - it is all one to the postal authorities, as long as you pay the postage.
      And it is a very rare thing for anything to be tampered with or miscarry.

      St Joseph Herald
      Saint Joseph, Michigan
      November 29, 1884

      Visit , Switzerland!

      1866  A New Sect.
      We see by our Eastern exchanges that a new religious sect has sprung up in New Bedford, Massachusetts. One of its most admirable peculiarities is the rule that when brethren and sisters meet, they salute each other with a kiss. We predict that sect will rapidly increase in numbers.

      White Cloud Kansas Chief
      White Cloud, Kansas
      November 29, 1866

      Visit New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA!

      1888  NO END OF FUN. How the Norwich, Conn., Boys Celebrate Thanksgiving.

      Subscribe to our Youtube channel

      Painesville Telegraph
      Painesville, Ohio
      November 29, 1888

      Visit Norwich, Connecticut, USA (Norwichtown) (Yantic) (Greeneville) (Occum) (Taftville)!

      US flag 

      America - Did you know?

       1858 - Abraham Lincoln comes to national attention in a series of seven debates with Sen. Stephen A. Douglas during Illinois state election campaign (Aug.–Oct.).

      Canadian flag 

      Quebec - Did you know?

       On New Years Day, we would all kneel to receive a blessing from our father for a great upcoming year.

      Picture of the Day

      Visit Alburgh, Vermont, USA (Alburg)!

      Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

      The Alburgh, Vt. Union Depot
      The Alburgh, Vt. Union Depot

      Died November 29


      Thursday, November 28, 2024

      November 28 News - 1913 - MANY IN CLOTH STEAL

      Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated November 28, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the November 28 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.

        1729 - November 28 - Natchez Indians massacre 138 Frenchmen, 35 French women, and 56 children at Fort Rosalie, near the site of modern-day Natchez, Mississippi.

        The Natchez Indians massacre of 1729 was a tragic event that occurred on November 28th at Fort Rosalie, near present-day Natchez, Mississippi. During this massacre, a group of Natchez Indians attacked the French settlement, killing 138 Frenchmen, 35 French women, and 56 children. The attack was a response to the increasing tensions between the Natchez tribe and the French colonists, who had established a presence in the region.

        The massacre had significant repercussions, leading to a...
        November 28, 1729

        YES, 1 INCH IN 1 MONTH! THE HERCULES CLUB CO., Room 12, 16 South St., Boston, Mass. 1901 ad
        YES, 1 INCH IN 1 MONTH!
        THE HERCULES CLUB CO., Room 12, 16 South St., Boston, Mass.
        1901 ad

        Visit , Massachusetts, USA!

        Bath, Maine, USA

        1895 - BEATEN AND ROBBED. Joseph Stevens of Five Islands Has Rough Experience with Highwayman.

        Bath – Nov. 27. – Joseph Stevens, 65 years old, a prominent citizen of Five Islands, was waylaid and robbed Tuesday in Georgetown. Stevens, who is a large and powerful man, fought desperately and was nearly murdered by his assailant. The highwayman used a club, by which he inflicted terrible wounds about the head of Stevens. Two bank books, a good watch, and a 38 were taken from Stevens. The robbery was committed at a lonely spot on the road between Riggsville and Five Islands and some distance ... Read MORE...

        Daily Kennebec Journal -  Augusta, Maine -  November 28, 1895


        1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

        Kidneys in Batter

        Make a thick batter, season with pepper and salt; cut the kidneys in thick slices, put some butter into a pan, and when the blue steam rises, put in the slices, which must be previously dipped in and covered with the batter; fry ...Read MORE...

        The Willimantic Chronicle, Willimantic, Connecticut, July 16, 1882

        Montréal, Québec, Canada (Sault-au-Récollet) (Côte-St-Michel) (Côte-St-Paul)

        1893 - SHAKEN BY AN EARTHQUAKE (Montreal)

        Considerable Alarm Felt in Montreal, Particularly in the Narrow Streets - Buildings Tremble and the Inmates Flee in Fright - Residents of Malone Greatly Excited - Reached Over Into New-Hampshire and Massachusetts.

        BURLINGTON, Vt., Nov. 27.- A severe earthquake shock shook the buildings throughout the city at 11:53 o'clock this forenoon. The duration of the shock was about fifteen seconds. It was accompanied by a low rumbling noise. Telegrams... Read MORE...

        The New York Times -  New York, New York -  November 28, 1893

        The Milkiest Milk Chocolate KLEINS School Days are Klein Days Mothers, give the children Kleins! Let them have it every day for their recess lunc
        The Milkiest Milk Chocolate
        School Days are Klein Days
        Mothers, give the children Klein's! Let them have it every day for their recess lunch - teach them to enjoy it.

        Aside from being a most deliciously tasteful chocolate candy, Klein's has real nutrative value. Every bar the children eat is equivalent to drinking a tumbler of sweet, creamy milk.

        Klein Chocolate Co.
        Elizabethtown, Pa.
        127 N. 13th St., Phila.

        Visit , Pennsylvania, USA!

        Barre, Vermont, USA (Graniteville) (South Barre)


        Considerable Alarm Felt in Montreal, Particularly in the Narrow Streets - Buildings Tremble and the Inmates Flee in Fright - Residents of Malone Greatly Excited - Reached Over Into New-Hampshire and Massachusetts.

        BURLINGTON, Vt., Nov. 27.- A severe earthquake shock shook the buildings throughout the city at 11:53 o'clock this forenoon. The duration of the shock was about fifteen seconds. It was accompanied by a low rumbling noise. Telegrams... Read MORE...

        The New York Times -  New York, New York -  November 28, 1893

        Fall River, Massachusetts, USA

        1913 - MANY IN CLOTH STEAL

        Fall River (Mass.) Mills Systematically Robbed by Operatives.
        Fall River, Mass., Nov. 28. - Investigation into alleged wholesale thefts from the American Printing company and the Algonquin Printing company has resulted in the arrest of twenty-four operatives in those plants and the seizure of a ton of cloth.

        In three tenement houses 8,000 yards of goods were found. Some of the smaller stores in the neighborhood yielded up several thousand more yards. Officials of the American Printing... Read MORE...

        The Indiana Gazette -  Indiana, Pennsylvania -  November 28, 1913

        Portland, Maine, USA (Deering)

        1870 - Train Accident

        Thursday afternoon as the five o'clock train on the Portland & Rochester road was making up at the depot in Portland, Walter Mace, a lad eight years old, and son of Mr. John Mace, baggage master, on the Portland & Kennebec railroad, attempted to get on a baggage car, when he slipped and fell upon the track, and the engine and tender ran over the hip, and also cutting off an arm. He was taken up and conveyed to his home on Lincoln street, and a physician called who amputated both legs and the... Read MORE...

        Bangor Daily Whig and Courier -  Bangor, Maine -  November 28, 1870

        1868  The boiler of a locomotive exploded at Port Jervis, N. Y., on the 17th, instantly killing the engineer, Fred Hardenburg.
        The fireman was in front of the engine and escaped unharmed. Hardenburg was carried over the top of trees near by, and was found 150 feet from the engine, his body horribly mangled and wedged in between two stumps. The dome of the engine went through the roof of a house 200 feet distant, passing through a bedroom, fortunately unoccupied, landing in the kitchen below.

        St Joseph Herald
        Saint Joseph, Michigan
        November 28, 1868

        Visit Port Jervis, New York, USA!

        1868  Lawrence (Mass.) factory hands have a free reading-room, and 8,000 volumes in their library.

        St Joseph Herald
        Saint Joseph, Michigan
        November 28, 1868

        Visit Lawrence, Massachusetts, USA!

        1868  Train Derailment
        A train on the Housatonic Railway was thrown from the track, on the 18th, by a broken rail. Every passenger was injured, Miss Sarah Hayes, of Pittsfield, Mass., seriously.

        St Joseph Herald
        Saint Joseph, Michigan
        November 28, 1868

        Visit Pittsfield, Massachusetts, USA (Coltsville)!

        US flag 

        America - Did you know?

         March 3, 1931 - The Star-Spangled Banner is adopted as the national anthem.

        Canadian flag 

        Quebec - Did you know?

         The Loup-Garou
        A staple of Quebecois folklore, the story of the loup-garou AKA werewolf goes something like this: A young man named Andre wants to become a hunter and trapper and unknowingly apprentices with a man who’s a werewolf. What’s more,...Read MORE...


        Picture of the Day

        Visit Rupert, Vermont, USA (East, North, West)!

        Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

        East Rupert, Vt.
        East Rupert, Vt.
        Sunset Farm, Hinsdale, Mass.
        Sunset Farm, Hinsdale, Mass.

        Visit Hinsdale, Massachusetts, USA!

        Died November 28


        Wednesday, November 27, 2024

        November 27 News - 1869 - Isaac S Geer, of Lisbon, Conn., in making some changes in a water pipe, found it needful to extend one through an under drain that ran several feet below the surface...

        Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated November 27, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the November 27 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
          Hardwood Floors Smooth as Glass Old English Floor Wax Barron, Boyle & Co., Cincinnati, O.  The Ladies Home Journal January 1898
          Hardwood Floors
          Smooth as Glass
          "Old English" Floor Wax
          Barron, Boyle & Co., Cincinnati, O.

          The Ladies' Home Journal
          January 1898

          Visit Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (Losanteville)!

          Manhattan, New York, USA (New York City) (New Amsterdam) (Washington Heights)

          1924 - November 27 – In New York City the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is held

          On November 27, 1924, the first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade took place in New York City. The parade was originally called the "Macy's Christmas Parade" to kick off the holiday shopping season, but it quickly became synonymous with Thanksgiving. The parade was organized by Macy's employees and featured animals from the Central Park Zoo, including elephants, camels, and monkeys, as well as floats, professional bands, and live animals borrowed from the zoo. The parade culminated in Santa Claus... Read MORE...

          November 27, 1924

          Lisbon, Connecticut, USA

          1869 - Isaac S Geer, of Lisbon, Conn., in making some changes in a water pipe, found it needful to extend one through an under drain that ran several feet below the surface.

          How to get the pipe through without taking up the drain was a problem. But Mr. Geer studied upon it, and after a while hit upon this admirable plan: He opened the lower end of the drain, and then catching an old calico cat that had been a resident of his family for several years, attached a small line to her leg; then thrusting her into the upper end, and giving a most unearthly "scat," she popped out at the other end, all covered with mud and water, with the line attached to her leg, quicker... Read MORE...

          St Joseph Herald -  Saint Joseph, Michigan -  November 27, 1869


          1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

          Coffee Custard

          Mix one egg with a teacup of ground coffee and pour over it one pint of boiling water. Let it boil five minutes, then pour in one cup of cold water and set it back on the range or stove for ten minutes. Strain it off into a...Read MORE...

          The Willimantic Chronicle, Willimantic, Connecticut, June 30, 1880

          Witch Hazel Leaves Parke, Davis & Co. Detroit, Mich., U.S.A.
          Witch Hazel Leaves
          Parke, Davis & Co.
          Detroit, Mich., U.S.A.

          Visit Detroit, Michigan, USA!

          Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA

          1888 - No Longer a Showman. Barnum Turns Over His Interests and Retires to Private Life.

          BRIDGEPORT, Conn., Nov. 27. - P. T. Barnum, the showman, is a thing of the past. He has settled up his business, and announced that he had turned his whole circus over to Mr. Bailey, who will own and conduct it, and that he himself has forever retired. Advancing years and a desire to enjoy his old age in quiet are the causes which led Mr. Barnum to close out. Mrs. Barnum is getting infirm. He shows his years, and he repeatedly announced that the cozy little brick cottage in which he intends to... Read MORE...

          The Fort Wayne Sentinel -  Fort Wayne, Indiana -  November 27, 1888

          Victorian lady 

          1800s Advice and Etiquette for Ladies

          Aged People Should Eat Very Little Meat
          Passaic, New Jersey, USA

          1899 - MEAT AND TURKEYS BURNED. Flames Destroy the Plant of the Passaic Beef Company.

          Passaic, N. J., Nov. 27. - The plant of the Passaic Beef Company on the Erie Railroad, near the station here, was destroyed by fire yesterday. The fire was one of the worst that this city has ever seen. The building was largely devoted to hold storage, and the firemen were driven back time and again by ammonia fumes which escaped from the tanks and pipes.

          During the fire the big tank in which the ammonia is compressed blew up, George Mi?? and George Griffin, employes[sic] of the company,... Read MORE...

          New Haven Evening Register -  New Haven, Connecticut -  November 27, 1899

          East Windsor, Connecticut, USA (Broad Brook) (Warehouse Point) (Melrose) (Scantic) (Windsorville)

          1869 - Sad Accident

          A serious accident occurred in East Windsor, Ct., on Monday. Two young men named Edward Osborne and William Wolf (according to a deposition of Osborne, now lying at the point of death) as they were hunting in the woods, Wolf drew up his gun and pointed at Osborne, who was only a rod off, and asked, 'Will you risk me?' He replied 'Yes.' Wolf then fired and the entire charge of shot entered Osborne's head through his eye. Wolf then helped him home and claimed he supposed the gun was half cocked.... Read MORE...

          Boston Journal -  Boston, Massachusetts -  November 27, 1869

          1890  Foot Race
          Peter Teirney and Henry Feige, two heavyweights ran a foot race on Onota street Saturday for a purse of $5. The distance was 100 yards, and Tierney won by less that a foot in 10 3/4 seconds. Each man weighs about 200 pounds, and the time is doubted.

          The Berkshire County Eagle
          Pittsfield, Massachusetts
          Thurs., November 27, 1890

          1869  A handbill, of which the following is a copy, was lately posted in sundry places in London:
          "TO ALL FENIANS. "Vive la Republique! "The Queen will visit the city in state on Saturday, and on that day she will be shot. She seldom gives a chance. The opportunity won't be lost! "GOD SAVE IRELAND!" But the Queen was not shot, though she graced the opening of the Holborn viaduct with her presence.

          St Joseph Herald
          Saint Joseph, Michigan
          November 27, 1869

          Visit , Ireland!

          1926  November 27 - Restoration of Williamsburg, Virginia, begins

          November 27, 1926

          Visit Williamsburg, Virginia, USA!

          St. Albans, Vt., Nov. 26. - A fire, which broke out about 12:30 o'clock this morning, proved to be the most disastrous that St. Albans has known for many years. The total loss is estimated at $150,000. The flames were first seen in a small barn rented by CHARLES BAILEY, a hackman, and situated in the rear of a store in Main Street. The wind was blowing from a northerly direction, and it drove the fire into STROUD'S livery barns. Owing to the stiff breeze the fire had its own way until the...

          The New York Times
          New York, New York
          November 27, 1891

          Visit St Albans, Vermont, USA!

          1877  Avid Reader
          Publishers of newspapers seldom meet with such conscientious subscribers as one Mrs. Butts, of Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Although seventy-five years old, she is reported to have recently walked from her home to New Bedford - a distance of fourteen miles - for the sole purpose of paying her subscription to a newspaper of that town.

          Delaware County Daily Times
          Chester, Pennsylvania
          November 27, 1877

          Visit Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA (Bliss Corner) (Smith Mills) (Padanaram)!

          1884  Horse Led to Chapel
          Some students in the Industrial institute at Worcester, Massachusetts, recently led a horse up two flights of stairs to the chapel. Twenty-eight members or the classes have been suspended for refusing to confess the details.

          The Belleville Telescope
          Belleville, Kansas
          November 27, 1884

          Visit Worcester, Massachusetts, USA!

          1888  Blizzard - MONTREAL, Canada, Nov. 27. - One of the most severe storms of snow and wind known here for years broke over this province and Ontario Sunday evening and still continues.
          The wind at times blew as hard as seventy miles per hour. The streets and surrounding country are covered with snow drifts, ten feet deep in places, and the most severe cold prevails. The horse car lines are stopped...

          The Fort Wayne Sentinel
          Fort Wayne, Indiana
          Tuesday, November 27, 1888

          Visit Montréal, Québec, Canada (Sault-au-Récollet) (Côte-St-Michel) (Côte-St-Paul)!

          1888  Steamer Frozen
          The steamer Pomeranian, bound for Liverpool, which grounded at Sorel, attempted to reach Quebec Sunday with the aid of four tugs. Yesterday not only the steamer but the tugs, too, were frozen in solid. The Pomeranian will not get through this season. Her bows are badly cut by the ice, and the channel being so narrow, she will probably be forced ashore on the rocks and become a total loss. The Allan Steamship company, which owns her, will lose over $300,000.

          The Fort Wayne Sentinel
          Fort Wayne, Indiana
          November 27, 1888

          Visit Sorel, Québec, Canada (Saint-Pierre)!

          1882  Yellow Fever
          Yellow fever has broken out at St. Anne de la Pocatiere and St. Pacome. It spread from bodies of persons who died in the United States, and were taken home for interment.

          St. Albans Daily Messenger
          St. Albans, Vermont
          November 27, 1882

          Visit La Pocatière, Québec, Canada (Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatiere)!

          US flag 

          America - Did you know?

           Observation of foreign travelers to America: They Sure Love Their Cheese Many foreigners have noticed that the people in the US love their cheese. There are obviously some exceptions, but most people love their cheese and put it on everything.

          Canadian flag 

          Quebec - Did you know?

           Women in New France worked very hard. They had to take care of the house, cook for the family, take care of the younger children. Sometimes women had 15 children or more. Women made clothes for the family using cloth that she spun.

          Picture of the Day

          Visit Tracadie, New Brunswick, Canada (Tracadie-Sheila)!

          Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

          Rue Principale Ves Le Nord-Ouest - Main Street
          Rue Principale Ves Le Nord-Ouest - Main Street
          1898 Free Fairy Calendar  The Ladies Home Journal January 1898
          1898 Free Fairy Calendar

          The Ladies' Home Journal
          January 1898

          Visit , United States (USA) (American Colonies)!

          Died November 27


          Tuesday, November 26, 2024

          November 26 News - 1875 - "Onion-Town"

          Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated November 26, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the November 26 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
            Home Dressmaking Valuable Book Given Free to Our Readers  Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt.  The Ladies Home Journal May 1898
            Home Dressmaking
            Valuable Book Given Free to Our Readers

            Wells, Richardson & Co., Burlington, Vt.

            The Ladies' Home Journal
            May 1898

            Visit Burlington, Vermont, USA!

            Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

            1956 - $200,000 FIRE SWEEPS VEGAS' BOULDER CLUB

            LAS VEGAS, Nev., Nov. 26 - (AP) - One of Nevada's oldest casinos, the Boulder Club, was gutted by fire last night at a loss estimated by Fire Chief Elmer Gates, at $200,000.

            As firemen played hoses on the flames, croupiers hurriedly removed stacks of chips and silver dollars. Money and chips were loaded into a police car and taken for safe keeping to the adjoining Horseshoe club.

            One of an estimated 2,000 persons jamming the downtown area to watch the blaze said; "That police car was so... Read MORE...

            The Bridgeport Post -  Bridgeport, Connecticut -  November 26, 1956


            1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

            Baked Potatoes - Raw potatoes pared and sliced very thin, put into a pudding dish and covered with milk, sprinkled with pepper and salt, and a tablespoonful of flour previously mixed smooth with a little milk, baked until nicely browned from...Read MORE...

            The Willimantic Chronicle, Willimantic, Conn., March 9, 1881

            Augusta, Georgia, USA



            Augusta, Ga., Nov. 26. - At 5:45 today firemen succeeded in bringing under control the most disastrous fire in the history of Augusta.
            The harrison building and the Johnson building, two big steel and masonry modern buildings, had been gutted by the flames, which started at 2 o'clock in the Harrison building. The Augusta Chronicle building was believed a total loss, the Albion Hotel was badly damaged, the Genesta Hotel was... Read MORE...

            Robsonian -  Lumberton, North Carolina  -  November 26, 1921

            Needs no Washing out The Odorless Refrigerator  The Keyser Mfg Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.  The Ladies Home Journal April 1898
            Needs no Washing out
            The "Odorless" Refrigerator

            The Keyser Mfg Co., Chattanooga, Tenn.

            The Ladies' Home Journal
            April 1898

            Visit Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA!

            Juneau, Alaska, USA


            Juneau, Alaska, Nov. 25. - (AP) - Mud and ruins of Sunday's great landslide surrendered two more bodies to rescue crews tonight, raising the known deaths to ten and leaving six remaining on the missing list.
            One other body was recovered earlier in the day.

            MRS. GEORGE LEE was found dead among the debris of the demolished Nickinovich Apartments and OSCAR LAITO, Sitka, Alaska, in the wrecked
            rooming house operated by MRS. FRED MATSON who is still missing. PETE BATTELO'S body was the first... Read MORE...

            The Modesto Bee and News-Herald -  Modesto, California -  November 26, 1936

            1889  ANOTHER FATAL EXPLOSION.
            Pittsburg, Nov. 26. - By an explosion at the Allegheny Bessemer Steel Works at Duquesne this morning WILLIAM MARSHALL, night superintendent of the wire mill, and a man named COOPER were killed and a number of others injured.

            Cedar Rapids Evening Gazette
            Cedar Rapids, Iowa
            November 26, 1889

            Visit , Pennsylvania, USA!

            1950  November 25-26 - Wind gusts to 110 mph recorded at Concord NH

            The Weather Channel
            November 26, 1950

            Visit Concord, New Hampshire, USA (Penacook) (Concord Heights) (East Concord) (West Concord)!

            1870  A young man named George Heffran, of Pottsville, Pa., surrendered himself at Randolph, Mass., on the 15th, as the murderer of Benjamin Nathan. He proved to be insane.

            St Joseph Herald
            Saint Joseph, Michigan
            November 26, 1870

            Visit Randolph, Massachusetts, USA!

            1870  Bad Advertisment
            The Biddeford (Me.) woman who advertised for and married a man last July, to have some one to control her property, has succeeded beyond all reasonable expectations, as the fellow has run off with ten thousand dollars of it, and she finds has two wives beside herself.

            St Joseph Herald
            Saint Joseph, Michigan
            November 26, 1870

            Visit Biddeford, Maine, USA (Biddeford Pool)!

            1912  Cotton Mill King Dead
            Providence, Rhode Island, Nov. 26. - Robert Knight, owner of more cotton mills than any other individual in the world, died today, aged eighty-six. Knight controlled twenty-two spinning, weaving and finishing establishments, employing seven thousand operatives.

            The Wilmington Dispatch
            Wilmington, North Carolina
            November 26, 1912

            Visit Providence, Rhode Island, USA!

            1875  "Onion-Town"
            Wethersfield, Conn., sometimes called Onion-town, derived its nickname from the fact that a church bell hung in 1775 was paid for by contributions of onions from the parishioners.
            Jamestown Journal
            New York
            November 26, 1875

            Visit Wethersfield, Connecticut, USA!

            US flag 

            America - Did you know?

             The Founding Fathers penned the first couple of drafts of the Declaration of Independence on hemp paper since, at the time, at least 75 percent of all the world’s paper was made from cannabis hemp fiber.

            Canadian flag 

            Quebec - Did you know?

             In Quebec, it's considered bad form to ask for a martini or scotch before dinner — French Canadians consider them "palate numbing." Typical before-dinner drinks include Pernod, kir, champagne, and vermouth. Cognac, Grand Marnier and/ or other...Read MORE...



            Picture of the Day

            Visit Putnam, Connecticut, USA!

            Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

            Fair Grounds
            Fair Grounds
            The Sanitary Still The Cuprigraph Co. 79 North Green Street Chicago, Ill.  The Ladies Home Journal July 1898
            The Sanitary Still
            The Cuprigraph Co.
            79 North Green Street
            Chicago, Ill.

            The Ladies' Home Journal
            July 1898

            Visit Chicago, Illinois, USA!

            Died November 26


            Monday, November 25, 2024

            November 25 News - 1897 - Thanksgiving Advice

            Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated November 25, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the November 25 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
              Dorset, Vermont, USA


              Old Congregational Edifice at Dorset, Vt., Destroyed by Fire.

              Manchester, Vt., Nov. 24---The Congregational Church in Dorset was burned early today, causing a loss of $10,000, upon which there is an insurance of $6000. When worshippers arrived from a distance this morning they found the structure in ruins.

              A coal fire was started in the furnace, last night to heat the church for the Sunday services and it is supposed that a defective flue or chimney permitted the fire to spread to the... Read MORE...

              The Boston Journal -  Boston, Massachusetts -  November 25, 1907

              Visit Germany / East Prussia
              Visit Germany / East Prussia

              Visit , Prussia (Germany)!

              1897 - Thanksgiving Advice

              Cromatlc Notes.

              The list of "don'ts" printed below will, it is hoped, be found particularly fitting at this season of the year. For the benefit of those who are seeking information as to what is and what is not proper at table, it-may be stated with considerable confidence that the maxims herewith attached and made a part of the exhibit may be followed as rigidly as circumstances will permit. Here they are:

              Don't eat solid food from a spoon. Use your knife.

              Don't pick your teeth...

              The Skylight Kicker -  Flagstaff, Arizona -  Thurs., November 25, 1897

              Manhattan, New York, USA (New York City) (New Amsterdam) (Washington Heights)

              1895 - November 25 - Oscar Hammerstein opens the Olympia Theatre, the first theatre to be built in New York City's Times Square district.

              In 1895, on November 25th, Oscar Hammerstein opened the Olympia Theatre, marking a significant moment in the development of New York City's Times Square district. The Olympia Theatre was the first of its kind in the area, signaling a shift in the city's entertainment landscape. Located in the heart of Times Square, the theater quickly became a cultural hub, attracting audiences with its innovative performances and lavish productions.

              Hammerstein's decision to open the Olympia Theatre in...

              November 25, 1895


              1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

              Alamonde Beef

              Take a round of beef, and stuff it with half pound pork, half pound butter, the soft of half a loaf of wheat bread, boil four eggs very hard, chop them up; and sweet marjoram, sage, parsley, summersavory, and one ounce cloves...Read MORE...

              Amelia Simmons’ American Cookery, 1814

              Roswell, New Mexico, USA


              Roswell, Nov. 24. (AP) - A spark from a welder's torch set off an explosion late today, burning five men, two of them seriously, and destroying the state highway department shop.

              O. W. NICHOLS, 46, was repairing a large tank. Authorities said a spark apparently set off oil fumes in the tank. He and WAYNE TURNER, 18, a truck driver, were burned seriously.

              The other injured were EVAN DAVIS, 54, a mechanic; ALVIN KIKER, 45, a mechanic, and JAMES HODGE, 55, a janitor. KIKER is from Portales... Read MORE...

              Albuquerque Journal -  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  November 25, 1952

              Visit England Trans-Canada Air Lines
              Visit England
              Trans-Canada Air Lines

              Visit , England (United Kingdom)!

              Lincoln, Rhode Island, USA (Albion) (Manville) (Fairlawn) (Lonsdale) (Saylesville)

              1947 - Berkshire Spinning Concern Builds For 204 Families

              ALBION, R.I. (AP) - Berkshire Fine Spinning Associates, Inc. to-day started a program to revive the old New England mill village in modern form when it broke ground for housing to accommodate 204 families near its mill here.

              The company plans to build ranch-type houses for 178 individual families and duplex houses for 26 more. All will be rented. The housing is intended to attract added workers needed for plant production.

              The project is expected to cost $250,000 and may have to be... Read MORE...

              The Berkshire Evening Eagle -  Pittsfield, Massachusetts -  November 25, 1947

              Ware, Massachusetts, USA

              1907 - WARE'S SUNDAY BLAZE CAUSES LOSS OF $30,000

              Ware, Nov. 24. - A loss of over $30,000 was caused by a fire here late today which destroyed the two-story wooden block, at 118 and 120 Main street. The fire started from some unknown cause in the photographic studio of J. B. L. Monty on the second floor. The first floor was occupied by Charles M. Ganson, dry goods dealer. Adjoining property was also somewhat damaged by the spread of the flames.

              The block was owned by the estate of Flora L.Trench of Somers, Conn.
              The loss on the building...

              The Boston Journal -  Boston, Massachusetts -  November 25, 1907

              Victorian lady 

              1800s Advice and Etiquette for Ladies

              Storm Dresses — A lady who is obliged to go out frequently in bad weather, will find it both a convenience and economy to have a storm dress. Both dress and cloak should be made of a woolen material, (varying of course with the season,) which will...Read MORE...

              The Ladies' Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness: A Complete Handbook for the Use of the Lady in Polite Society... by Florence Hartley, January 1, 1872

              Manchester, Massachusetts, USA (Manchester-by-the-Sea)


              Manchester, Nov. 24. - A summer cottage which Charles Head, the Boston broker and banker, was building for his daughter, Mrs. Philip Stockton of Boston, on Glouscester road, was burned today, the loss being fully $40,000. F. L. Whitcomb of Boston was the contractor and he was to have turned the house over to Mr. Head next week. The fire started from a heater in the basement. Several workmen lost their kits. The house was a two-story frame structure, finished in stucco. The amount of insurance... Read MORE...

              The Boston Journal -  Boston, Massachusetts -  November 25, 1907

              Stoneham, Massachusetts, USA


              Dr. and Mrs. M. E. Brand of Reading Thrown Out in Stoneham When Touring Car Hits Runabout at Blind Corner.

              Stoneham, Nov. 24. - Dr. M. E. Brand of Reading and his wife were injured as a result of a collision between their automobile and the machine of Fred H. Goss of Melrose just outside of Stoneham square late this afternoon. The four occupants of the Goss machine, Mr. and Mrs. Goss and L. H. Latham and a Miss Kimball of Hillsboro, N. H., escaped without injury.

              The crash took place at...

              The Boston Journal -  Boston, Massachusetts -  November 25, 1907

              Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA (North Plymouth) (White Island Shores)

              1907 - BELATED STORM DESTROYS SHIP FAST ON FLATS - Schooner Lucy E. Goes to Pieces Off Plymouth Coast.


              Vessels Take Refuge in Harbors - City Soaked By Rain.

              Boston's belated storm which had threatened the city and the entire New England coast for several day, materialized yesterday and with such fury that shipping was completely tied up and the city deluged in torrents of rain. The storm made its first appearance just after midnight yesterday morning and as the day wore on grew to almost hurricane proportions. The rain did not appear until evening and then it... Read MORE...

              The Boston Journal -  Boston, Massachusetts -  November 25, 1907

              1895  November 25 - Chicago Times-Herald race: The first American automobile race in history is sponsored by the Chicago Times-Herald. Press coverage first arouses significant American interest in the automobile.

              November 25, 1895

              Visit Chicago, Illinois, USA!

              1874  November 25 – The United States Greenback Party is established as a political party, made primarily of farmers financially hurt by the Panic of 1873.
              Comprising mainly farmers from the West and South, this political organization advocated for currency expansion. They believed that an inflated currency would alleviate the burden of farm debts incurred during times of high prices.

              November 25, 1874

              Visit , United States (USA) (American Colonies)!

              1907  THEATRE BURNED OUT.
              Berlin, N. H. Nov. 25. - The interior of the Albert theatre building, a four story brick block of modern construction, was burned out. The fire started in the rear of a furniture store and communicated with the stage of the theatre by an air shaft, spreading from there under the floor of the theatre to the front of the building. The loss is estimated at approximately $100,000. The cause of the fire is unknown.

              The Fitchburg Sentinel
              Fitchburg, Massachusetts
              November 25, 1907

              Visit Berlin, New Hampshire, USA (Maynesborough)!

              Williamstown, Mass., Nov. 24. - Morgan Hall, the largest and newest of the dormitories connected with Williams College, was damaged to the extent of $20,000 today by a fire that started from a cigarette dropped in a room on the second floor.

              The Post Standard
              Syracuse, New York
              November 25, 1904

              Visit Williamstown, Massachusetts, USA!

              1907  WOMAN HURT AS AUTO TURNS OVER
              Spencer, Nov. 24 - Mrs. Justin D. Anderson, wife of the president of the Hartford Rubber Works Company of Hartford, Conn., was severely injured tonight by the overturning of a heavy touring car in which she was riding with Mr. Anderson and J. J. Shea, chief engineer of the rubber works. They were returning form Providence to Hartford, and when near Sibley's corner in the outskirts of this town, the machine skidded in the slippery road and was upset. Mr. Anderson, who was driving, had slowed...

              The Boston Journal
              Boston, Massachusetts
              November 25, 1907

              Visit Spencer, Massachusetts, USA!

              US flag 

              America - Did you know?

               The first face on The $1 bill was not George Washington. First issued during the Civil War in 1862, it was the face of Salmon P. Chase, who was Secretary of Treasury at that time and was also the designer of the country’s first banknotes.

              Canadian flag 

              Quebec - Did you know?

               On Sunday mornings, residents of New France attended Mass. The rest of the day was spent playing games or dancing or in friendly visits of one family with another.

              Picture of the Day

              Visit Bronx, New York, USA!

              Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

              Entrance to Bronx Park From R.R. Station, Showing Boat House, New York City.
              Entrance to Bronx Park From R.R. Station, Showing Boat House, New York City.
              Visit Finland
              Visit Finland

              Visit , Finland!

              Died November 25


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