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Sunday, June 16, 2024

June 16 News - 1867 - Fireworks Explosion NYC; 1887 - MCARTHY’S FATAL NAP. While Intoxicated He Falls Asleep on the Railroad at Derby and is Run Over.

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated June 16, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the June 16 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
    Pembroke, New Hampshire, USA (Suncook)

    1900 - ALL WENT UP IN SMOKE. Three Manufacturing Plants at East Pembroke, N. H., Lie in Ashes.

    Suncook, N. H., June 16.—Three manufacturing plants, all industries in the village of East Pembroke on Suncook river three miles from here, were burned this morning causing a direct financial loss estimated to be about $32,000.

    The burned buildings include the plant of the Hawley Box Factory Company, the grain mill of H. C. Fisher, and a factory used by him in the manufacturing of axe handles and similar wood products.

    The fire started in the engine house of the box factory and in short... Read MORE...

    St Albans Daily Messenger -  St Albans, Vermont -  June 16, 1900

    Stronger than the Law Shoe Originated and Made Only By Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co. St. Louis, U.S.A.
    Stronger than the Law Shoe
    Originated and Made Only By
    Roberts, Johnson & Rand Shoe Co.
    St. Louis, U.S.A.

    Visit St Louis, Missouri, USA!

    1921 - Brothers Will Start Factory

    Former Local Young Men Getting Ready
    William Feige Will Be Head of New Enterprise.

    William Feige and his brother, George and Milton of Milford, former well known residents of this city, are preparing to start a shoe factory of their own in Milford and operations will be under way in the near future. While this will be their first venture into the manufacturing of shoes, all three have had much experience in the making of shoes, having learned practically all branches of the... Read MORE...

    The North Adams Transcript -  North Adams, Massachusetts -  Thurs., June 16, 1921


    1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

    Bird's Nest Pudding

    Pare and halve tart mellow apples, scoop out the cores, put a little flour in the hollow of the apples, and wet it so as to form a thick paste, stick a blade or two of mace and three or four Zante currants, in each one of the...Read MORE...

    The New England Cook Book, 1836

    1953 Queens Typewriter Co. ad
    1953 Queens Typewriter Co. ad

    Visit Long Island City, New York, USA!

    Victorian lady 

    1800s Advice and Etiquette for Ladies

    Never sit down to the piano uninvited, unless you are alone in the parlor. Do not take any book you may find in the room away from...Read MORE...

    The Ladies' Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness: A Complete Handbook for the Use of the Lady in Polite Society... by Florence Hartley, January 1, 1872

    Manhattan, New York, USA (New York City) (New Amsterdam) (Washington Heights)


    Yesterday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock, as EDWARD KENNY, a porter in the employ of Messrs. Purdy & Co., dealers in fireworks, at No. 34 Maiden Lane, was engaged in nailing the lid of a case containing a large quantity of "Union" torpedoes, he inadvertently drove a nail through one of the packages and a terrific explosion ensued, when KENNY was thrown several feet off, and sustained several serious external and internal injuries.

    The contents of the case were entirely destroyed, the front... Read MORE...

    The New York Times -  New York, New York -  June 16, 1867

    Oneida, New York, USA

    1901 - Bicycle Accident.

    ONEIDA, June 15. - Miss Bertha Smith, a daughter of Mrs. Perry Smith of Oneida Castle, was seriously injured in a bicycle accident last night. Miss Smith is employed at Kenwood. She was coming home on her wheel, which in some manner became unmanageable and threw her to the ground. She struck against a tree and as she lay on the path was run over by another girl rider following. For about three hours she remained unconscious and it is feared that serious internal injuries were received. Dr. S.... Read MORE...

    Post Standard -  Syracuse, New York -  June 16, 1901

    Tuscaloosa, Alabama, USA

    1919 - 19 DROWN IN BOAT WRECK. Twelve Others Missing as Result of Accident in Alabama River. Weekly Boat Ride to Children of City Has Terrible Ending.

    TUSCALOOSA, Ala., June 15. - Nineteen persons most of them children, are known to have been drowned, while rescue parties, aided by powerful searchlights tonight were dragging the Warrior river near Tuscaloosa for the bodies of 12 others missing from a pleasure party of 53 who were cast into the water late today when a gasoline launch was overturned in midstream near here.

    The boat, the Mary Francis, was owned by SAM ALSTON, a Tuscaloosa capitalist, who had been giving weekly boat rides to... Read MORE...

    San Jose Mercury Herald -  San Jose, California -  June 16, 1919

    Amesbury, Massachusetts, USA


    Diver Hurley was in Amesbury, Mass., on Wednesday, the 15th, inst., called there by the authorities to try and recover the body of a man named Hughes, who was drowned there on Friday last.

    The man met his death while bathing in what is called the dam. Diver Hurley went down and thoroughly examined the bottom of the place, but failed to find the body. It is though that he must have gone through the gates which were open at the time.

    There is some mystery surrounding Hughe's death, which...

    Portsmouth Herald -  Portsmouth, New Hampshire -  June 16, 1898

    Canandaigua, New York, USA


    From the Albany Journal, June 15.

    The second steamboat express train from the West, due here at 9:20 last evening, met with a serious accident about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon at Canandaigua by the spreading of the track. The train was run off, and the result was a frightful destruction of cars.

    There was a large number of passengers on the train, who were thrown together promiscuously, and many of them buried up in the broken cars. For a time the wildest excitement prevailed, and... Read MORE...

    The New York Times -  New York, New York -  June 16, 1867

    Shelton, Connecticut, USA (Huntington)

    1887 - MCARTHY’S FATAL NAP. While Intoxicated He Falls Asleep on the Railroad at Derby and is Run Over.

    John McCarthy a moulder employed at DeForest’s iron works at Shelton, while asleep on the track of the Naugatuck railroad at Derby last night was struck by the south bound train which passes that point about 11 o’clock. He was so terribly bruised that it is though impossible for him to live the day out. He had been drinking liquor freely during the night and while in an intoxicated condition wandered on the track and fell asleep near Stilling’s saloon. He resided in Brooklyn but has friends in... Read MORE...

    New Haven Register -  New Haven, Connecticut -  June 16, 1887

    1912  Engine Falls from Bridge, One Dead.
    BARRE, Vt., June 15. - A Central Vermont Railroad engine, running light, toppled over as it was crossing a bridge this afternoon, landing bottom up in the street, fifteen feet below. BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, aged 21, of Montpelier, fireman of the engine, was so badly scalded that he died to-night at a local hospital; JAMES SMITH, 28, a brakeman, had his back broken and is not expected to recover, and Joseph Derry, the engineer, received scalp wounds.

    The New York Times
    New York, New York
    June 16, 1912

    Visit Barre, Vermont, USA (Graniteville) (South Barre)!

    1941  June 16 - National Airport opens in Washington, DC.
    The airlines draw straws to determine who would land at National Airport first and American Airlines wins the honor. The airplane is piloted by Bennett H. Griffin, who becomes the manager of National Airport in 1947.
    June 16, 1941

    Visit Washington, DC, USA!

    1882 Sold after her death?
    Friday, June 16, 1882 Land in East Aurora, Charlotte M. Smith to C. I. Hamlin.

    Buffalo Express
    Buffalo, New York
    June 16, 1882

    1903  June 16 - Ford Motor Company is incorporated in Detroit, Michigan

    June 16, 1903

    Visit Detroit, Michigan, USA!

    1944  June 16 - A tornado in Sioux City, IA, traveled an odd course. It spun in one place for about twenty minutes, made a U-turn, traveled southeast for about three miles, then traveled south, east, north, and finally east again.

    The Weather Channel
    June 16, 1944

    Visit Sioux City, Iowa, USA!

    1888  On the 12th Frank Donovan, aged ten years, was shot and killed at Oswego, N. Y. by Lewis Clark, aged thirteen years, while playing with a gun.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    June 16, 1888

    Visit Oswego, New York, USA!

    1888  About five thousand immigrants arrived in New York on the 9th, about one-half the number coming from Ireland.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    June 16, 1888

    Visit , Ireland!

    1899  Lightning Strikes Steeple
    Ipswich, Mass., June 16. - During a heavy storm last night lightning struck the steeple on the South Congregational church and soon the entire building was in flames. The firemen saved the main structure. Lightning also struck Caldwell's block and did some damage. The play of electricity was so general that many people were prostrated, but no serious cases have been reported.

    The North Adams Transcript
    North Adams, Massachusetts
    June 16, 1899

    Visit Ipswich, Massachusetts, USA!

    1949  June 16 - Gas turbine-electric locomotive demonstrated, Erie Pa
    June 16, 1949

    Visit Erie, Pennsylvania, USA!

    Montreal, June 16. - The village of St. Rose, a fashionable summer resort, was entirely annihilated yesterday by a cyclone, the debris being deposited in the fields around about. WILFRED ONIMET, aged 7. JULIA JOLY, aged 6. STANLEY DAUBIEN, aged 8. were killed and about twenty severely - four fatally - injured. At Templeton ex-Mayor McELROY was killed. Many towns in the vicinity were badly wrecked.

    Davenport Daily Leader
    Davenport, Iowa
    June 16, 1892

    Visit Sainte-Rose, Laval, Québec, Canada (Sainte-Rose-de-Lima)!

    US flag 

    America - Did you know?

     Thanksgiving Myth: Thanksgiving had religious origins.


    People confuse Pilgrims (original settlers of Plymouth who came over on the Mayflower) and Puritans (a group of people who came to Boston under an official charter from the King...Read MORE...

    Canadian flag 

    Quebec - Did you know?

     The habitant was inordinately fond of sour milk. Tea was scarce and costly. Brandy was imported in huge quantities. Every parish in the colony had its grog-shop; in 1725 the King ordered that no parish should have more than two. Quebec had a dozen...Read MORE...

    Daily Life in New France ( french/ daily_life_in_new_france.htm)


    Picture of the Day

    Visit Spencer, Massachusetts, USA!

    Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

    Massasoit Hotel  The Massasoit Hotel opened in 1873, becoming a stop for stagecoaches passing through Spencer via the Upper Boston Post Road.  Ric
    Massasoit Hotel

    The Massasoit Hotel opened in 1873, becoming a stop for stagecoaches passing through Spencer via the Upper Boston Post Road.

    Richard Sugden, whose name adorns the Spencer library, was a partner in the building of the Massasoit. It was named for a chief in the Wampanoag Tribe.

    The hotel, at what is now Main Street (Route 9) and Pleasant Street (Route 31), was built on a land that for many years held Jenks Tavern. It was here, on the night of Oct. 22, 1789, that George Washington grabbed some shuteye as he traveled across New England.
    1909 ad Atherton-Byard Furniture Co. 16 Washington Sq., Haverhill, Mass.  Kensington, New Hampshire, sketches and reminiscences by Mace, Ida M Pub
    1909 ad
    Atherton-Byard Furniture Co.
    16 Washington Sq., Haverhill, Mass.

    Kensington, New Hampshire, sketches and reminiscences by Mace, Ida M Published 1909

    Visit Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA (Ayers Village)!

    Died June 16


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