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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August 22 News - 1899 - HORSES ELECTROCUTED. Team Attached to Sprinkling Cart Killed by Lightning Bolt.

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated August 22, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the August 22 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
    Northfield, Vermont, USA



    WILLIAM BRUNDENELL, Northfield, Vt., conductor southbound train.
    JOHN DEBUQUE, St. Albans, Vt., fireman southbound train.
    LEON LABUQUE, brakeman southbound train.
    MR. LANE, conductor southbound train.
    J. W. BERRYMAN, engineer northbound train.
    Two Strike-Breakers, names Unknown.
    WILLIAM A. WYNN, St. Albans engineer southbound train, hip and shoulder broken; ... Read MORE...

    Lowell Sun -  Lowell, Massachusetts -  August 22, 1810

    Etsey Organ Co. Brattleboro, VT, U.S.A.
    Etsey Organ Co.
    Brattleboro, VT, U.S.A.

    Visit Brattleboro, Vermont, USA (West Brattleboro)!

    Rochester, New York, USA

    1899 - HORSES ELECTROCUTED. Team Attached to Sprinkling Cart Killed by Lightning Bolt.

    As one of the results of yesterday's severe storm. Charles W. Hartung, a liveryman, with stables at No. 70 Ontario street, is minus two valuable horses. They were attached to a sprinkling cart and stood under a tree on Portland avenue, formerly North avenue, for shelter. The driver, Valentine Wahl. had stepped across the street to seek shelter under the awning of a store. Suddenly there was a terrific flash, a ball of fire descended, and through the brightness the horses were seen to stagger... Read MORE...

    Rochester Democrat and Chronicle -  Rochester, New York -  August 22, 1899

    Saginaw, Michigan, USA


    From the Saginaw (Mich.) Enterprise, Aug. 13.
    About 2 1/ 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon a small black cloud passed over this city, and almost in an instant, without the least warning, a terrific gale of wind swept over the city with a sad and disastrous effect. The most sad effect of the storm was the entire demolition of the new brick block on the south side of Genesee street and west of Jefferson. It was a three-story building, and the walls were complete, except the front, which was in... Read MORE...

    The New York Times -  New York, New York -  August 22, 1866

    South Hero, Vermont, USA


    South Hero, Vt. (UPI) - Gov. Robert T. Stafford has asked for a report on a crash that killed seven youths who graduated from high school together two months ago.

    The youths, all from Winooski, Vt., were killed Sunday when their 1954 sedan went out of control after coming over a hill, skidded along the slippery road for 500 feet and slammed sideways into a three-foot-thick maple tree.

    All were thrown from the car, and six died instantly. The seventh, MAURICE SOUTIERE, 19, believed to be... Read MORE...

    The Daily Times -  New Philadelphia, Ohio -  August 22, 1960


    1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

    Veal Cutlets.

    Cut them from the fillet, put them in a stew pan with a piece of nice pork, a clove of garlic, a bundle of thyme and parsley, pepper and salt, cover them with water and let them stew ten or fifteen minutes, lay them on a dish and...Read MORE...

    The Virginia Housewife or Methodical Cook, 1828

    Hartford, Connecticut, USA

    1902 - August 22 – Theodore Roosevelt becomes the first American President to ride in an automobile when he rides in a Columbia Electric Victoria through Hartford, Connecticut.

    On August 22, 1902, Theodore Roosevelt marked a significant moment in American presidential history by becoming the first sitting president to ride in an automobile. This groundbreaking event took place in Hartford, Connecticut, where Roosevelt embarked on a journey in a Columbia Electric Victoria. The electric vehicle was a marvel of its time, representing the nascent era of automotive innovation in the early 20th century. Roosevelt's ride symbolized the rapid technological advancements and... Read MORE...

    August 22, 1902

    Waterloo Organs. Best in the World Manfd by Malcom Love & Co. For Sale by C. W. Blodgett, Brockport, N.Y.
    Waterloo Organs.
    Best in the World
    Manfd by Malcom Love & Co.
    For Sale by
    C. W. Blodgett,
    Brockport, N.Y.

    Visit Brockport, New York, USA!

    Manhattan, New York, USA (New York City) (New Amsterdam) (Washington Heights)

    1899 - July 19 – The Newsboys Strike takes place when the Newsies of New York go on strike (until August 2).

    Only a Partial Concession.

    The newsboys strike against the New York Journal and World has been settled. The newsies wanted the daily editions of the papers at the rate of a penny each, instead of paying $1.25 per one hundred copies. They also demanded that the Sunday edition be given to them for 4 1-2 cents a copy instead of 5 cents. The distributing agents of the papers assented to the latter demand, but insisted on receiving the old price for the daily editions. The newsboys decided to... Read MORE...

    Rochester Democrat and Chronicle -  Rochester, New York -  August 22, 1899

    St Paul, Minnesota, USA

    1904 - SIXTEEN PEOPLE KILLED - The Tornado at Twin Cities Wrought Devastation.

    It Cut a Pathway Eight Miles Long Through the Business District - Hundreds of Fine Shade Trees Ruined.

    St. Paul, Minn., August 22. - The tornado which Saturday night struck this city cut a pathway about half a mile in width and eight miles long through the business and residence district, leaving ruin and devastation in its track. Sixteen persons were killed and the list of injured is long, in which there are several who are reported to be fatally hurt. The downtown business district was hit ... Read MORE...

    The Sun -  Chanute, Kansas -  August 22, 1904

    Victorian man 

    1800s Advice and Etiquette for Men

    The person should be accurately clean; the teeth,
    hands, and nails, should be particularly so: a dirty mouth has real ill consequences to the owner ; for it infallibly causes the decay, as well as the intolerable pain, of the teeth; and is very...Read MORE...

    Practical Morality, Or, A Guide to Men and Manners... (1813). United Kingdom: J. Walker.

    Harvard, Massachusetts, USA

    1868 - Mary Woodward on Trial

    Mrs. Mary Woodward, of Harvard, Mass., has been held in $1,000 for trial on a charge of inhumanly treating her step-son, six years of age. It was testified in the Police Court that the child had been whipped by the hour at a time with a heavy stick; that one day in July the woman drew three buckets of cold water from the well, and, seizing the child, removed his clothes, and, placing him in a tub, dashed water upon his head, then took him by the feet and held his head in the water as long as... Read MORE...

    St Joseph Herald -  Saint Joseph, Michigan -  August 22, 1868

    Trumbull, Connecticut, USA


    Bridgeport, Conn., August 15. - An extra freight train was sent up the Housatonic Road this afternoon. By an accident to the cylinder of the engine, the freight train stopped on the track, near the paper mill at Trumbull, about three miles from this city. A flag was sent back on the track, by the conductor of the freight train, to warn the passenger train of the danger. When the latter train came up it hitched on to the freight, and was slowly drawing it back to Bridgeport at the rate of about... Read MORE...

    The Adams Sentinel -  Gettysburg, Pennsylvania  -  August 22, 1865

    1911  August 22 – The theft of the Mona Lisa is discovered in the Louvre.
    August 22, 1911

    Visit Paris, France!

    1868  Mention was made some time since of the resident of Watertown, N. Y., who wheeled his wife on a wheelbarrow from that place to Saratoga.
    The trip was undertaken, on the advice of a physician, for the benefit of the wife's health. Recently the couple passed through Utica on their way home, the woman restored to health, and walking beside her husband, who wheeled the empty barrow.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    August 22, 1868

    Visit Watertown, New York, USA!

    1868  In digging a foundation in San Francisco, a heavy barrel was exhumed, and great was the excitement when it became rumored that a barrel of gold dust had been hidden there some twenty years ago.
    When opened, it proved to be full of very putrid flour.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    August 22, 1868

    Visit San Francisco, California, USA!

    1885  Mrs Smith of Moultonborough, N. H., took her first dose of medicine at the age of ninety-six. - Boston Globe

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    August 22, 1885

    Visit Moultonboro, New Hampshire, USA!

    1885  A widow in Wilton, Conn., says she never intends to marry again. She is 104.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    August 22, 1885

    Visit Wilton, Connecticut, USA!

    1868  A ball was recently held in Bethel, Conn., and during the evening a 200 pound hog was thrust into the door by some of the jealous un-invited ones.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    August 22, 1868

    Visit Bethel, Connecticut, USA!

    1762  August 22 - 1st female (Ann Franklin) US newspaper editor, Newport RI, Mercury
    August 22, 1762

    Visit Newport, Rhode Island, USA!

    Missoula, Mont., Aug. 21. - (UP) - Fire late today destroyed the grandstand of the Western Montana Fair here, a livestock building, 21 automobiles and the tepee village of the Flathead Indian tribe. No lives were lost, although the grandstand was packed when the alarm was sounded. Horses and other livestock in the barns were cut loose before the buildings caught fire.

    Nevada State Journal
    Reno, Nevada
    August 22, 1941

    Visit Missoula County, Montana, USA (Missoula)!

    1892  THE BORDEN MURDER. Preparations for the Preliminary Hearing of Lizzie Borden.
    Fall River, Mass., Aug. 22. - Miss Lizzie A. Borden arrived here from the Taunton jail this morning and will be given a preliminary hearing on a charge of murder this afternoon, beginning at 2 o'clock. She did not show the slightest trace of suffering and did not in any degree mind the attention she attracted...

    Harrisburg Telegraph
    Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
    August 22, 1892

    Visit Fall River, Massachusetts, USA!

    US flag 

    America - Did you know?

     Bite the Bullet

    In pioneer times, if an arm or leg was seriously wounded or badly broken, it would have to be cut off. There were no serious painkillers for the operation. The patient was given a bullet to bite on so they wouldn't scream. Today,...Read MORE...

    Mormon Station State Historic Park. Genoa, Nevada

    Canadian flag 

    Quebec - Did you know?

     The Assomption (or arrow) sash is a symbolic piece of clothing central to the culture of the French-speaking population of North America. The item was widely worn for almost a century, from the end of the 18th to the end of the 19th century, before...Read MORE...

    Encyclopedia of French Cultural Heritage in North America


    Picture of the Day

    Visit Stratford, Connecticut, USA (Putney)!

    Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

    Main Street, Stratford, Conn.
    Main Street, Stratford, Conn.
    Lutteds S.P. Cough Drops Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A.
    Lutted's S.P. Cough Drops
    Buffalo, N.Y., U.S.A.

    Visit Buffalo, New York, USA!

    Died August 22


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