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Saturday, April 13, 2024

April 13 News - 1902 - LIGHTNING'S QUEER PRANKS.

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated April 13, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the April 13 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
    Ruda Dairy, Inc.
    Ruda Dairy, Inc.

    Visit Dudley, Massachusetts, USA!


    1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

    Cream of Celery Soup - This, perhaps is the daintiest of all the thicker cream soups. Take three heads of celerey, wash and cut into small pieces; cover with one quart of water. Cook slowly for a half hour; press through a colander, using...Read MORE...

    The Ladies' Home Journal, June 1898

    Compliments of Your Tydol Flying A Dealer Dudley Service Station A. J. Stawasz, Prop. Lower Schofield Ave., Dudley, Mass.
    Compliments of Your Tydol Flying A Dealer
    Dudley Service Station
    A. J. Stawasz, Prop.
    Lower Schofield Ave., Dudley, Mass.

    Visit Dudley, Massachusetts, USA!

    Victorian lady 

    1800s Advice and Etiquette for Ladies

    Never eat every morsel that is upon your plate; and surely no lady will ever scrape her plate, or pass the bread round it, as if to save the servants the trouble of washing...Read MORE...

    The Ladies' Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness: A Complete Handbook for the Use of the Lady in Polite Society... by Florence Hartley, January 1, 1872

    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA


    Pittsburg, April 12. - Without warning and with a rush and a roar, the four-story brick building at the corner of Second Avenue and Wood Street, collapsed to-day, burying in its ruins a number of people, three of whom were taken out dead, six badly hurt, and several others slightly injured.

    The dead are: MRS. MARTHA JONES, sixty-four years old, of 511 Second Avenue; EUGENE BERNHARDT, twenty-nine years old, of 1,708 Manhattan Street, Allegheny, salesman for Armstrong and McKelvy Company, and... Read MORE...

    The New York Times -  New York, New York -  April 13, 1900

    Lawrence, Kansas, USA

    1911 - Two Killed at Lawrence.

    Lawrence, Kan., April 13. - Two people were killed, scores of houses destroyed and the streets piled high with debris by a tornado which struck Lawrence at 8 o'clock tonight. Only a rough estimate of the damage can he made tonight, but the loss is conservatively placed at $150,000. The known dead are Mrs. Joe Sullivan, 55 years old, and Laura Childs, a colored woman employed on the farm of Claude Doubleday, two miles west of this place. Four more deaths have been reported, but the rumors can... Read MORE...

    The Galveston Daily News -  Galveston, Texas -  April 13, 1911

    Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

    1923 - Train Accident

    Colorado Springs, - Arthur Piper, 18 years old, of 2616 South Pennsylvania street, Denver was probably fatally injured and Vern Marsh, 19 years old. of 2882 South Bannock street, Denver, was painfully bruised a few days ago when a handcar on which they were riding was struck by a southbound passenger train near Colorado Springs. The two boys took the handcar at Palmer Lake and were on their way to Colorado Springs when the accident occurred. Piper is in St. Francis hospital, and his recovery is ... Read MORE...

    The Park County Republican -  Fairplay, Colorado -  April 13, 1923

    Harwinton, Connecticut, USA


    One Bolt Struck a Connecticut Schoolhouse and Shocked the Inmates.

    Special to The New York Times.

    WINSTED, Conn., April 12. - During a severe electrical storm which broke over East Litchfield and Harwinton yesterday afternoon lightning executed many queer pranks. A bolt struck the west district schoolhouse in Harwinton and shocked twenty children, three of whom were rendered unconscious. Miss Marion Pratt, daughter of John Pratt, was most seriously affected.

    Two men driving from...

    The New York Times -  New York, New York -  April 13, 1902

    Nashua, New Hampshire, USA (Dunstable)

    1895 - THE MERRIMAC RIVER Higher Than it has been for Years - Still Rising.

    Nashua, N. H., April 15 - The great rainfall has raised the Merrimac and Nashua rivers, together with Salmon Brook, into rushing torrents. Saturday night and Sunday the rainfall was the heaviest for a number of years, averaging 2 3-100 inches. The Merrimac commenced to rise at an early hour and this morning the water was 12 feet above low water mark and was rising at the rate of six inches per hour. The Jackson company’s mills are shut down on account of back water. The Merrimac has overflowed... Read MORE...

    Fort Wayne News -  Fort Wayne, Indiana -  April 13, 1895

    Chelsea, Massachusetts, USA (Romney's Marsh)


    Petroleum, Tarred Paper, Old Rags and a Gale Add Fury th(sic) Disaster - Ten Thousand Homeless.

    Boston, April 13. - The greatest fire that has scourged any part of the metropolitan district in ten years devastated the manufacturing tenement and retail sections of Chelsea, burning over one square mile of territory, and leveling many of the city's best structures. The fire started at 10:40 a. m. and was not under control until 9 p. m., notwithstanding that half of the Boston fire department's... Read MORE...

    The Iowa City Citizen -  Iowa City, Iowa -  April 13, 1908

    Our Conway correspondent writes that the loss to Mr. N. T. Stillings of Bartlett, whose tavern stand and out-buildings were destroyed by fire on the 3d, is $5000, with no insurance. The loss will be a heavy one to Mr. S., whose popular tavern and stage lines were so well known among the pilgrims to "the Switzerland of America." The fire is thought to have originated from a defective chimney. The family of Mr. S, was away at the time of the fire.

    The New Hampshire Patriot
    Concord, New Hampshire
    April 13, 1870

    Visit Bartlett, New Hampshire, USA!

    1878  April 13 - A Bostonian named Peter B. Bingham, having bequeathed $30,000 to his native Town of Bakersfield, Vermont, for the purpose of founding a high school,
    his surviving relatives, instead of attacking the will, as is now customary, have added $8,000 for the building.

    The Iola Register
    Iola, Kansas
    April 13, 1878

    Visit Bakersfield, Vermont, USA!

    1922  April 13 – The State of Massachusetts opens all public offices to women.
    April 13, 1922

    Visit , Massachusetts, USA!

    1889  The Buffalo and Niagara Falls Drainage Company has been incorporated with $5,000,000 capital.
    The object is to construct a ditch by way of Tonawanda to the bottom of the Niagara gorge, which will be used as a tail race for water motors.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 13, 1889

    Visit Tonawanda, New York, USA!

    1889  On the 9th, R. F. Schor, book-keeper of the First National Bank of Evansville, Ind., committed suicide by hanging. Unsuccessful speculation was the cause.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 13, 1889

    Visit Evansville, Indiana, USA!

    1889  On the 8th, Mrs. Ellen Young, a colored woman, died suddenly at Baltimore, Md., at the age of one hundred and four years.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 13, 1889

    Visit Baltimore, Maryland, USA!

    1889  George Q. Cannon announced in Salt Lake City on the 8th that the total Mormon population was 153,911.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 13, 1889

    Visit Salt Lake City, Utah, USA!

    1889  The death of Mrs. Theron Beach occurred on the 8th at her home in Litchfield, Conn., in her one hundred and first year.
    During more than a century of life she had lived in one house. That house her grandfather built in 1785, and there she was born and there she died.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 13, 1889

    Visit Litchfield, Connecticut, USA (Bantam) (Northfield)!

    1889  E. Laudermilch, whose house was recently destroyed by fire at Lebanon, Pa.,
    recovered the gold and silver on the 8th which he had in the dwelling at the time The coin amounted to $8,750.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 13, 1889

    Visit Lebanon, Pennsylvania, USA (Steitztown)!

    1889  The Monongahela river coal works near Pittsburgh, Pa., resumed work on the 9th after a shut down of a week's duration, giving employment to six thousand men.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 13, 1889

    Visit Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA!

    1889  Prairie fires had on the 4th completely wiped out three towns in South Dakota, and hundreds of farm-houses had been destroyed,
    also barns, with all their contents, and many persons were homeless and entirely destitute. The losses were placed at $2,000,000. Several lives were lost.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 13, 1889

    Visit , South Dakota, USA!

    1889  Flames destroyed six business blocks at Attica, O., on the 5th.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 13, 1889

    Visit Attica, Ohio, USA!

    1889  A rain-storm on the 6th at Norfolk, Va., submerged the lower portion of the city, causing a loss of $500,000 to business men.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 13, 1889

    Visit Norfolk, Virginia, USA!

    1889  A terrible storm swept over a large section of Southern Hungary on the 5th.
    Many houses were demolished and in some cases whole villages were set on fire by lightning and destroyed.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 13, 1889

    Visit , Hungary (Austria-Hungary)!

    1889  Maggie Mitchell, the actress, was granted a divorce from her husband, Henry T. Paddock, on the 5th at Trenton, N. J.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 13, 1889

    Visit Trenton, New Jersey, USA!

    1889  Rev. A. E. Woodruff, of Oberlin, Ohio, will be the new pastor of the Congregational Church, vice Mr. Brewster, resigned.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 13, 1889

    Visit Oberlin, Ohio, USA!

    Peoria, April 13. - A score of students of the Bradley Polytechnic institute were injured, twelve seriously, when a floor collapsed at the Woelner distillery, throwing fifty young people to the ground. The party was inspecting the fermenting room. Every police patrol and ambulance in the city was rushed to the scene and a number of injured were taken to hospitals...

    The Daily Review
    Decatur, Illinois
    April 13, 1912

    Visit Peoria, Illinois, USA!

    1895  Wage Increase
    The Grosvenordale Company, North Grosvenordale, Conn., has posted notices in all of its mills that they will increase wages in all departments after April 22. The company has four mills, employing 1,200 hands.

    The Times
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
    April 13, 1895

    Visit Thompson, Connecticut, USA (North Grosvenordale) (Quinebaug) (Fabyan) (Mechanicsville)!

    1876  Explosion
    Four powder magazines, with many tons of powder, exploded at the arsenal at Salt Lake City, on the 6th inst. Six were killed and others hurt. Boulders were thrown in all directions and fell a mile away. The damage to broken glass alone is $50,000.

    The Weekly Era
    Raleigh, North Carolina
    April 13, 1876

    Visit Salt Lake City, Utah, USA!

    1876  Barge Hits Booneville Bridge
    A barge was crushed against the Booneville Bridge, near St. Louis, on Tuesday. Six lives were lost. The barge had 1,000 bushels of corn on board.

    The Weekly Era
    Raleigh, North Carolina
    April 13, 1876

    Visit St Louis, Missouri, USA!

    1870  Crushed Under Wheels
    In Stoneham, Mass., on Friday, a seven year old boy named Moses Downes, stepped from the forward end of a horse-car and fell under the wheels which passed over and killed him.

    The New Hampshire Patriot
    Concord, New Hampshire
    April 13, 1870

    Visit Stoneham, Massachusetts, USA!

    1848  Flood
    The spring flood of the St. Lawrence, by blocking up the ice at Boucherville, five miles below Montreal, has flooded the village of La Prairie, on this side of the river, the water being ten feet deep and rising. The damage must be something at Montreal, one would think, but probably there is no communication.

    New Hampshire Sentinel
    New Hampshire
    April 13, 1848

    Visit La Prairie, Québec, Canada (St-Philippe) (St-Jean-François-Régis) (La Nativité)!

    US flag 

    America - Did you know?

     In 1664, the English seized New Amsterdam (city and colony) from the Dutch and renamed it New York.

    Canadian flag 

    Quebec - Did you know?

     A winery in Quebec creates tomato wine.

    Picture of the Day

    Visit Provincetown, Massachusetts, USA!

    Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

    Old Church Spire Provincetown, Mass.
    Old Church Spire
    Provincetown, Mass.
    Greece Bros. Dairy, Sutton, Mass.
    Greece Bros. Dairy, Sutton, Mass.

    Visit Sutton, Massachusetts, USA!

    Died April 13


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