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Thursday, April 18, 2024

April 18 News - 1879 - Incandescent light bulb is invented

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated April 18, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the April 18 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
    1880s Pillsbury Flour Minneapolis
    Pillsbury Flour

    Visit Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA!


    1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

    Strawberry Sponge Cake - Beat the yolks of six eggs with half a pound of powderes sugar until very light, then fold in carefully the well-beaten whites of six eggs, and add slowly a cup and a half of sifted pastry flour. Bake in three layers. ...Read MORE...

    The Ladies' Home Journal, May 1898

    1880s Red House Importers of Dry and Fancy Goods Oakland / Napa City
    Red House
    Importers of Dry and Fancy Goods
    Oakland / Napa City

    Visit Oakland, California, USA!

    Victorian man 

    1800s Advice and Etiquette for Men

    A gentleman always attends to the choice of his amusements. If at cards, he will not play at cribbage, all-fours, or putt; or, in sports of exercise, be seen at skittles, foot-ball, leap- frog , cricket, driving of coaches, & c. for he knows that...Read MORE...

    Practical Morality, Or, A Guide to Men and Manners... (1813). United Kingdom: J. Walker.

    Norman, Oklahoma, USA


    (By the Associated Press.)
    Norman, Okla., April 13. - Between thirty and thirty-seven boys, aged from ten to fifteen years, were burned to death in the state hospital for the insane here this morning. All of the boys were inmates of the institution and were helpless as the flames wrapped around them. Being confined in the houses, the young boys were unable to get out of the fire before their bodies had been charred by the onrushing flames.
    The fire was of unknown origin. It completely...

    The Ada Weekly News -  Oklahoma -  April 18, 1918

    1775 - April 18 - Paul Revere's famous ride

    In 1774 and the Spring of 1775 Paul Revere was employed by the Boston Committee of Correspondence and the Massachusetts Committee of Safety as an express rider to carry news, messages, and copies of resolutions as far away as New York and Philadelphia.

    On the evening of April 18, 1775, Paul Revere was sent for by Dr. Joseph Warren and instructed to ride to Lexington, Massachusetts, to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that British troops were marching to arrest them. After being rowed... Read MORE...
    April 18, 1775

    1879 - Incandescent light bulb is invented (Thomas Alva Edison, United States)

    Edison still claims that his electric light is a complete success, and says he can now furnish it at one-third the cost of gas, but he thinks that he can make the difference in price much greater, and hence the delay. In San Francisco, a company has been formed and is now ready to furnish light in any part of the city, while the directors claim they can light all the streets of the city at a saving of from $150,000 to $200,000 a year to taxpayers. The public has heard enough about what Edison... Read MORE...

    Reading Times -  Reading, Pennsylvania -  April 18, 1879

    Malone, New York, USA


    Malone, N. Y., April 18. - Nine persons were killed and fifteen more were injured as the result of fire which almost destroyed the Hotel De Wilson.

    The identified dead:
    JOHN MOSS, Albany.
    GEO. TIMMONS, Piercefield, N. Y.
    ANTONIO NICOLINI, New York city.
    PHILLIP CONNORS, Malone, N. Y.
    ALBERT ROBIDEAU, saloonkeeper, Malone, N. Y.
    FRED TROUCHON, bartender, Malone, N. Y.

    Two unidentified bodies were later found in the ruins.

    The fire started from an explosion and spread with... Read MORE...

    Stevens Point Daily Journal -  Stevens Point, Wisconsin -  April 18, 1913

    Charlestown, Massachusetts, USA*


    Boston, April 17. - The roof of the grain elevator at Hoosac Tunnel docks, Charlestown, was blown completely off by a dust explosion at 4 o'clock this morning, and the fire that followed not only destroyed the remaining portion of the immense structure, but consumed nearly the entire contenst, over 400,000 bushels of grain, mostly wheat. The steamer Cambroman, which had just finished loading at the dock, was towed out without injury, but some of the small tenants adjoining, and a building used... Read MORE...

    Kansas City Journal -  Kansas City, Missouri -  April 18, 1898

    Brattleboro, Vermont, USA (West Brattleboro)

    1910 - BRATTLEBORO. Fire on Wantastiquet Mountain.

    A fire which started Saturday on Wantastiquet mountain, just across the Connecticut river from Brattleboro, raged all day yesterday and it is not probable that it can be stopped until it has burned itself out. The leaves and undergrowth are very dry and after the fire once got headway it was impossible to check it. The part of the mountain which is being burned over belongs to the Brattleboro retreat. When the conditions on the mountainside were realized all systematic attempt to put out the... Read MORE...

    Springfield Republican -  Springfield, Massachusetts -  April 18, 1910

    1884  Train Wreck
    BRADFORD, Vt., April 17. - The 2 A.M. train from Springfield was completely wrecked at Fairlee Mountain, the heavy rains having washed a large stone directly across the track. The engineer and fireman were badly bruised, but no passenger was seriously injured.

    The New York Times
    New York, New York
    April 18, 1884

    Visit Bradford, Vermont, USA!

    1898  The Highest Monument in the world is in Washington, D.C.
    It was erected in honor of George Washington. It is 555 feet high, 55 feet square at the base, and contains 18,000 blocks of marble, two feet thick. In the interior is an elevator, and 50 flights of stairs, 18 steps each.

    The Ladies' Home Journal
    April 18, 1898

    Visit Washington, DC, USA!

    1910  BAD FIRE AT HYDE PARK. Jail, Court-House, Town Hall, Church, Store and Residence Reduced to Ashes.
    A fire that started in the county jail at Hyde Park yesterday spread until the jail, court-house, town hall, Congregational church, one store and 13 residences or tenements had been laid to ashes. Twenty families are homeless. The damage is estimated at $100,000. Originating presumably from a defective stovepipe between the first and second stories of the jail, the fire gained headway so rapidly that efforts to save the building were soon seen to be useless and attention was directed to...

    Springfield Republican
    Springfield, Massachusetts
    April 18, 1910

    Visit Hyde Park, Vermont, USA (Hydepark)!

    1923  April 18 – Yankee Stadium opens its doors as the home park of the New York Yankees baseball team in The Bronx.
    April 18, 1923

    Visit Bronx, New York, USA!

    1868  Of twenty thousand children annually sent out of Paris in charge of hired nurses, not less than fifteen thousand perish.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 18, 1868

    Visit Paris, France!

    1868  It is said more books are now published in Germany than in any other country.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 18, 1868

    Visit , Germany (German States) (German Empire)!

    1868  People who receive circulars from New York or elsewhere containing samples of prints of which twelve yards will be sent for a dollar, or ten yards for eighty-five cents, are advised to suspect a swindle.
    The address of one concern issuing such circulars was visited in New York the other day, and it was found that the place was in charge of a boy, and that no business was transacted beyond receiving letter, which usually numbered from thirty five to fifty a day.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 18, 1868

    Visit , New York, USA!

    1868  There is a little town in Vermont where the people have considerable fun with their "fence viewers."
    One of the officers weighs three hundred pounds, another is six feet three inches tall, and the third is extremely small. It was recently voted that all fences on which the fat man could sit, which the tall man couldn't straddle, nor the little one crawl through, should be deemed legal fences.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 18, 1868

    Visit , Vermont, USA!

    1868  A "brilliant and lovely" young married woman in New York, aged twenty-five, now sports her fourth husband, having sough relief through the divorce courts from conjugal unpleasantnesses three times since her first marriage, in 1860.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 18, 1868

    Visit , New York, USA!

    1868  From statistics carefully prepared from authentic sources, and reliable as any other public documents, it has been ascertained that the average cost of strong drink for each man, woman, and child in the United States is twenty dollars.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 18, 1868

    Visit , United States (USA) (American Colonies)!

    1868  A Kentucky statue gives to the widow and minor children of a person killed by the careless, wanton or malicious use of deadly weapons, an action against the person committing the killing.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 18, 1868

    Visit , Kentucky, USA!

    1868  Twenty thousand Norwegians, Danes and Swedes are to arrive in this country this spring, whose destination will be chiefly to the West.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 18, 1868

    Visit , United States (USA) (American Colonies)!

    1868  Two large ships are loading at Norfolk, Va., for Liverpool, being the first instance of direct trade since the war.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 18, 1868

    Visit Norfolk, Virginia, USA!

    1868  The Maryland Legislature has passed the law fixing ten hours as a day's labor in the factories in the State.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 18, 1868

    Visit , Maryland, USA!

    1868  Jefferson Davis and wife have gone to Canada, there to await the next call for his trial.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 18, 1868

    Visit , Canada!

    1868  Indictments have been found at Richmond, Va., against thirty revenue officers, for fraud.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 18, 1868

    Visit Richmond, Virginia, USA!

    1868  Twenty-two hundred gallons of mineral water are shipped from St. Albans, Vt., weekly.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 18, 1868

    Visit St Albans, Vermont, USA!

    1906  Earthquake
    April 18, 1906 - An earthquake in San Francisco is followed by four days of a devastating fire. An estimated 3,000 lives are lost and damage is estimated at $500 million in 1906 dollars. Timeline: U.S. Storm Disasters, American Experience
    April 18, 1906

    Visit San Francisco, California, USA!

    1892  A Calgary dispatch says:
    Wm. Morrison, a half-breed from the Red Deer country, was on Saturday sentenced at the supreme court to two years at Stony Mountain for horse-stealing. Rose Ann Fullam, aged 15, was convicted of stealing clothing from her mother and received a similar sentence. The case against A. J. Ross, photographer, charged with stealing a horse from George Sexsmith, was taken up but not finished. The case will be concluded on Tuesday.

    The Winnipeg Tribune
    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
    April 18, 1892

    Visit Calgary, Alberta, Canada!

    1948  FOUR DIE IN HORNELL FIRE; Eight Are Hurt as Former Park Hotel, a Landmark, Burns
    HORNELL, N.Y., April 17 (AP) - Four persons perished, eight were injured and a score were helped to safety today when fire destroyed a three-story business and rooming establishment.

    The New York Times
    New York, New York
    April 18, 1948

    Visit Hornell, New York, USA (Hornellsville)!

    1896  A Town Flooded
    SHERBROOKE (Que.), April 17. - The river here has been rising for several days and there is now over three feet of water on the floors of the many manufacturing establishments on the flats, stopping work therein. The central business part of the town of Richmond is completely inundated.

    The Record-Union
    Sacramento, California
    April 18, 1896

    Visit Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada!

    1895  A Horrible Death.
    SOMERS, Conn., April 18. - Frank Starr, a sawyer at the Curtis lumber mill, was a work, when his clothing came in contact with the teeth of a buzz saw, and he was drawn over the sharp teeth. His head was severed from his body and the latter was badly mutilated.

    The Fitchburg Sentinel
    Fitchburg, Massachusetts
    April 18, 1895

    Visit Somers, Connecticut, USA (Somersville)!

    US flag 

    America - Did you know?

     According to a Kiowa Native American legend, Devils Tower National Monument in Wyoming was created when seven young girls chased by bears jumped on a low rock and prayed for help. The rock rose, lifting the girls out of reach. The bears then...Read MORE...

    Canadian flag 

    Quebec - Did you know?

     In New France, the vast majority of newcomers were either soldiers or indentured workers. Before crossing the Atlantic, the indentured workers had signed a contract providing for a predetermined stay. Most of them saw it as a temporary contract, not ...Read MORE...

    History of Quebec for Dummies by Eric Bedard, published by John Wiley & Sons, Canada, Ltd.


    Picture of the Day

    Visit Rochester, New York, USA!

    Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

    Main Street (East) from Wilder Building
    Main Street (East) from Wilder Building
    1880s Vacuum Harness Oil Ruhl Bros. Findlay, Ohio
    Vacuum Harness Oil
    Ruhl Bros.
    Findlay, Ohio

    Visit , Ohio, USA!

    Died April 18


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