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Friday, April 26, 2024

April 26 News - 1898 - A Hint To Husbands

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated April 26, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the April 26 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
    F. Dickman, Butcher and Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco... Cor. Smith and D Streets Virginia City, Nevada  1873 ad
    F. Dickman, Butcher and Dealer in Groceries and Provisions, Liquors, Cigars, Tobacco...
    Cor. Smith and D Streets
    Virginia City, Nevada

    1873 ad

    The Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory, 1873-74: Embracing a General Directory of Residents of Virginia City, Gold Hill, Silver City, Dayton, Carson, Franktown, Washoe City and Reno, Together with a Business Directory, Also an Appendix, Giving Statistics of State and Storey, Lyno, Ormsby and Washoe Counties
    Front Cover
    H.S. Crocker & Company, 1873

    Visit Virginia City, Nevada, USA!

    Stanbridge, Québec, Canada (Stanbridge East)


    ST. ALBANS, Vt., April 25. - Stanbridge, Providence of Quebec, just across the Canadian line, was visited by a disastrous fire about 2:30 o'clock this morning, resulting in the destruction of the Canadian Pacific Railway station, the freight house,, engine house, one engine, two passenger cars, and eight freight cars, most of which were loaded.

    Seneger's large general store, two hotels, and several houses were also destroyed. The fire originated in the railroad woodshed, and as the village... Read MORE...

    The New York Times -  New York, New York -  April 26, 1889

    Butte County, California, USA

    1913 - CHILD RISES FROM COFFIN. Shock of Temporary Resuscitation Kills Aged Grandmother.

    Butte, Ca., April 25. - While members of the family and relatives were grouped about the open coffin of Mrs. J. R. Burney's 3-year-old son yesterday listening to the funeral service, the body moved and presently the child, clad in its shroud, sat up and gazed about the room. His eyes caught those of his grandmother, Mrs. L. P. Smith, 81 years old. The aged woman stared at the child as if hypnotized. Then she sank into a chair dead.

    As she fell the child dropped back into its coffin, from... Read MORE...

    The Washington Post -  Washington, District of Columbia -  April 26, 1913


    1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

    Nuremberg Pudding

    Three cups of flour, two-thirds of a cup of suet chopped fine, one cup of molasses, one cup of stoned raisins, one cup of sour milk and one teaspoon of soda in the milk. Mix well, and put into a buttered tin basin, then into a...Read MORE...

    The Willimantic Chronicle, Willimantic, Connecticut, June 9, 1880

    Naperville, Illinois, USA


    Naperville, Ill., (AP) - Weary rescue workers Friday counted at least 43 dead in a terrific rear-end collision of the Burlington railroad's westbound fast Exposition Flyer and Advance Flyer Thursday.

    Of 125 persons injured when the Exposition Flyer, speeding at more than 60 miles an hour toward San Francisco, rammed the stopped Advance Flyer, 31 remained in hospitals, some in critical condition. All but 5 of the dead had been identified.

    The engineer of the Exposition Flyer, who...

    Mason City Globe-Gazette -  Iowa -  April 26, 1946

    Hatch Bros., Dealers in Game, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Family Groceries and California Produce 20 C Street  Between Union and Taylor Virginia, Nevada
    Hatch Bros., Dealers in Game, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Family Groceries and California Produce
    20 C Street
    Between Union and Taylor
    Virginia, Nevada

    1873 ad

    The Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory, 1873-74: Embracing a General Directory of Residents of Virginia City, Gold Hill, Silver City, Dayton, Carson, Franktown, Washoe City and Reno, Together with a Business Directory, Also an Appendix, Giving Statistics of State and Storey, Lyno, Ormsby and Washoe Counties
    Front Cover
    H.S. Crocker & Company, 1873

    Visit Virginia City, Nevada, USA!

    Middletown, Rhode Island, USA (Green's End)

    1919 - A Bad Accident


    As Mr. Russell Morgan Peckham, accompanied by Mr. Lewis Plummer, Miss Ethel Plummer and the Misses Helen and Katherine Bronson, was driving his Dodge touring car from Wyatt Road on to East Main Road his machine was struck from the rear by a Hudson speedster driven by Mr. Habib of Newport. Both cars were proceeding toward Newport Mr. Peckham asserts that he was going about ten miles an hour and that he looked up the road before turning on to it. Mr. Habib says he sounded his horn... Read MORE...

    Newport Mercury -  Newport, Rhode Island -  April 26, 1919

    New Haven, Connecticut, USA (Westville)

    1915 - HISTORIC THEATRE BURNS. Grand Opera House in New Haven Destroyed, with Loss of $80,000.

    NEW HAVEN, April 25.- The Grand Opera House in Crown Street, the oldest playhouse in New Haven, was destroyed by fire early today, and the entire fire-fighting force of the city had a hard time to prevent the blaze from spreading to near-by buildings.

    Various office buildings were endangered for a time. The loss is $80,000. The fire started in a cafe on the first floor, from an unknown cause.

    The theatre, originally known as the Music Hall, was erected in 1860, and was rich in historic... Read MORE...

    The New York Times -  New York, New York -  April 26, 1915

    1898  A Hint To Husbands

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    Detroit Free Press
    Detroit, Michigan
    Tues., April 26, 1898

    Visit Nashville, Tennessee, USA!

    1879  Madison University
    In 1818, thirteen men gathered together, thirteen prayers were said, and thirteen dollars subscribed for the establishment of a place of learning for Baptists. To-day Madison University, at Clinton, N. Y., owns all its buildings and 160 acres of land in a beautiful part of the country. It has a fine library, no debts and more than $400,000 drawing interest.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    April 26, 1879

    Visit Clinton, Dutchess, New York, USA!

    1921 April 26, 1921: First U.S. weather report broadcast, by WEW in St. Louis, Missouri

    The Old Farmer's Almanac
    April 26, 1921

    Visit St Louis, Missouri, USA!

    US flag 

    America - Did you know?

     Wild monkeys completely inhabit an island with no human residents located off the coast of South Carolina.

    Canadian flag 

    Quebec - Did you know?

     The Quebec’s electric wiring network is one of the longest of the North American continent? It is made of more than 30,000 kilometres of high-voltage cables, to which is added 100,000 kilometres of supply wires that go all the way to the consumers....Read MORE...


    Picture of the Day

    Visit Fort Worth, Texas, USA!

    Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

    United States Court House
    United States Court House
    International Hotel, (Open day and night), Corner C, Union & B Streets, Virginia, Nevada The Best Hotel in Nevada  1873 ad  The Virginia and Truc
    International Hotel, (Open day and night), Corner C, Union & B Streets, Virginia, Nevada
    The Best Hotel in Nevada

    1873 ad

    The Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory, 1873-74: Embracing a General Directory of Residents of Virginia City, Gold Hill, Silver City, Dayton, Carson, Franktown, Washoe City and Reno, Together with a Business Directory, Also an Appendix, Giving Statistics of State and Storey, Lyno, Ormsby and Washoe Counties
    Front Cover
    H.S. Crocker & Company, 1873

    Visit Virginia City, Nevada, USA!

    Died April 26


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