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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

May 15 News - 1940 - Women's stockings made of nylon are first placed on sale across the United States. Almost five million pairs are bought on this day.

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated May 15, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the May 15 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
    Haverhill, New Hampshire, USA


    Haverhill, May 11.--A boy, apparently 15 years old, crushed beyond recognition, but breathing, was discovered at the bottom of an elevator well at the A. B. Arnold sole leather factory early this afternoon.

    Dr. F. W. Anthony, who ordered the boy's removal to the Hale Hospital said he had probably been struck several times by the elevator, which had been running during the day, the youth having lain unconscious at the bottom of the well from the time he was first struck and crushed each time... Read MORE...

    Portsmouth Herald -  Portsmouth, New Hampshire -  May 15, 1917

    The Parker Games For Merry Winter Evenings Parker-Brothers, Salem, Mass, USA  The Ladies Home Journal November 1898
    The Parker Games
    For Merry Winter Evenings
    Parker-Brothers, Salem, Mass, USA

    The Ladies' Home Journal
    November 1898

    Visit Salem, Massachusetts, USA!

    1940 - May 15 - Women's stockings made of nylon are first placed on sale across the United States. Almost five million pairs are bought on this day.

    Women Crowd Stores as Nylons Go on Sale
    Curious Line Counters Two and Three Deep To Buy and Inspect New Synthetic Hosiery

    Brooklyn women today joined their eager sisters throughout the land in greeting the event they have awaited for more than a year.

    Nylon stockings are on the market!

    Shopping crowds were increased considerably as women flocked to the stores where the new synthetic hose, made of yarn, chemical fibre, coal, air and water, went on sale.

    As soon...

    The Brooklyn Daily Eagle -  Brooklyn, New York -  May 15, 1940


    1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

    Cooking Chickens - A new way of cooing chickens is to parboil them and then drop them into hot lard, a la doughuts, and fry a few minutes. This will serve to make variety in the bill of fare, but will not wholly take the place of the favorite ...Read MORE...

    The Willimantic Chronicle, Willimantic, Conn., September 29, 1880

    The Idea Food Cutter The Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co. Southington, Conn.  The Ladies Home Journal November 1898
    The Idea Food Cutter
    The Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co.
    Southington, Conn.

    The Ladies' Home Journal
    November 1898

    Visit Southington, Connecticut, USA (Plantsville)!

    Victorian lady 

    1800s Advice and Etiquette for Ladies

    A social philosopher has said "Women need more amusement, a broader companionship than is possible in the isolated home. To the isolated household with its debilitating and multifarious labors can a large part of woman's ill health be...Read MORE...

    Advice for Ladies - The Southbridge Journal, Southbridge, Massachusetts, December 25, 1885

    Lexington, Kentucky, USA


    Lexington, Ky., May 14. - Fire broke out in the attic of the court house here at 9:45 a.m., and in a few minutes the upper story and dome were in flames. Hart's statue, "Woman Triumphant" bought by Lexington women for $5,000 was in the rotunda. The court house was completely burned, and in an hour nothing remained but walls. Hart's beautiful masterpiece was destroyed in an attempt to remove it. Many of the loose records were carried out and others are in a steel vault in the basement. The court ... Read MORE...

    Logansport Journal -  Logansport, Indiana -  May 15, 1897

    Pasadena, California, USA


    Special State News.

    PASADENA, May 14. - The Misses Elsie and Christina Peterson came here from Los Angeles shortly after noon to visit Mrs. Chris Larson of 800 Magnolia avenue. They were met at the car by Mr. Larson. When the carriage turned down Raymond avenue below California street a portion of the harness gave way. The horses became frightened and whirled, overturning the carriage. The two young women were hurled to the ground, Mr. Larson clung to the reins and succeeded in stopping the... Read MORE...

    San Jose Mercury -  San Jose, California -  May 15, 1907

    Whitestown, New York, USA (Whitesboro)

    1858 - Dreadful Railroad Accident!

    Morning Herald Office.

    UTICA, May 12. - A frightful Railroad accident occurred this morning at 6 ½ o,clock, on the Central Railroad, by the crushing of a bridge over the Saquoit Creek, some 3 ½ miles west of this city, near Whitesboro.

    Seven or eight persons are already dead. Five or six others are barely alive, and the injured number forty or more. The killed are, A. MOORE of Rising Sun, Ind, head crushed, since died; two children of ABRAHAM MACK, of Cincinnati; an unknown man lying in... Read MORE...

    The Erie Observer -  Erie, Pennsylvania -  May 15, 1858

    Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

    1901 - Met A Horrible Death Heroic Deed of William PHELPS, a Colored Man – Gave Up His Life That A Married Friend Might Make His Escape.

    Indianapolis, May 12. – While William PHELPS of Richmond, Ky., and James STAPLEBURY of this city were cleaning the inside of an eight-foot upright boiler at the Cerealine mills today, an enploye turned on the steam, thinking the cock was tight. It leaked and the scalding steam poured in on the two men. The only exit was up a ladder. Both jumped for the ladder. PHELPS reached it first, took one step and stopped. He jumped aside and shouted, “You go first, Jim; you are married.”


    Butte Weekly Miner -  Butte, Montana -  May 15, 1901

    Scarborough, Maine, USA (Scarboro)

    1947 - $50,000 Fire Destroys Danish Village Building

    125 Routed As Recreation Hall Burns; Stored Furniture Worth Thousands Lost

    Scarborough, May 15. (Thursday)- A spectacular general alarm fire which started late Wednesday night swept through the recreation building of Danish Village, former deluxe tourist camp and present housing project, causing damage estimated at $50,000 to the building and additional thousands to a quantity of stored furniture.

    At press time today Scarborough firemen had the stubborn, smoky blaze under control, but not ... Read MORE...

    Portland Press Herald -  Portland, Maine -  May 15, 1947

    Milton, Vermont, USA


    MILTON, Vt., May 15 - (AP) - Five persons, four of whom were school children, were killed today when an automobile used for transporting the children to school collided with a train two miles south of Milton.

    The dead were John C. Vasseur, 37, driver of the car; Rene Larochelle, 11, and her brother Howard, 13; Earl Murray, 10, and Earl Fuller, 14, all of Milton.

    The children were en route to school on Saturday to make up for time previously lost.

    Investigators said the driver...

    Ogden Standard Examiner -  Ogden, Utah -  May 15, 1937

    New Haven, Connecticut, USA (Westville)

    1903 - Passengers Leave Burning Sleeping Car in Nightclothes.

    Sixteen Men and Four Women Hurried from Temporary Home.

    Woman Injured--Man Nearly Suffocated--Several Lose Valuables.

    New Haven, Conn., May 14 - Passengers, including 16 men and four women had to flee in their night clothing, early Thursday, from a burning sleeping car at the Union station. The car was near the rear end of the N. Y., N. H. & H. Railroad train which left New York at 11 o'clock Wednesday night for Boston by way of Springfield. When the train reached here at 1 o'clock... Read MORE...

    Daily Kennebec Journal -  Augusta, Maine -  May 15, 1903

    1718  May 15 - James Puckle, a London lawyer, patents world's 1st machine gun
    May 15, 1718

    Visit London, England!

    1901  Ran Into Trolley Car - Pleasure Party Comes to grief on Long Island. Two Men Carried Home Dead
    Five of the Party in the Hospital and the Remainder of the 26 Merry-Makers Were More of Less Bruised - The Motorman Under Arrest.

    New York, May 12. - Of 26 young people who started from College Point, L.I., last night on what is locally known as a “starlight ride” two were carried home this morning dead, five are in the hospital after having their wounds dressed, and every one of the remainder was more or less bruised. A collision with a trolley car caused the accident. The dead...

    Butte Weekly Miner
    Butte, Montana
    May 15, 1901

    Visit Jamaica, New York, USA!

    1940  May 15 - The very first McDonald's restaurant opens in San Bernardino, California.
    May 15, 1940

    Visit San Bernadino, California, USA!

    1928  May 15 - The animated short Plane Crazy is released by Disney Studios in Los Angeles, featuring the first appearances of Mickey and Minnie Mouse.
    May 15, 1928

    Visit Los Angeles, California, USA!

    1862  May 15 – U.S. President Abraham Lincoln signs a bill into law creating the U.S. Bureau of Agriculture (later renamed U.S. Department of Agriculture).
    May 15, 1862

    Visit , United States (USA) (American Colonies)!

    1886  John C. Carr, of West Newbury, Mass., having for fifty-two years served as town clerk, absolutely refuses re-election. - Boston Herald.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    May 15, 1886

    Visit West Newbury, Massachusetts, USA!

    1869  A lady in Salem, Mass., recently lost about a dozen yards of velvet, which took fire from the rays of the sun passing through a globe of water.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    May 15, 1869

    Visit Salem, Massachusetts, USA!

    1869  A three-year-old son of George Curtis, of Marblehead, Mass., was burned to death the other day in trying to run through a bonfire, in imitation of some larger boys.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    May 15, 1869

    Visit Marblehead, Massachusetts, USA!

    1886  Emmaline Prescott, of Hallowell, is one of the characters of Maine.
    She is over fifty years old, and for more than twenty-five years has peddled pins and needles, and such small wares, from house to house through the country. She wears the bloomer costume, a full skirt reaching to the knees, with close-fitting trousers. She is modest, gentle and the soul of benevolence. She says that if women knew what a comfort the bloomer was, they'd all wear it. - Boston Journal.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    May 15, 1886

    Visit Hallowell, Maine, USA!

    1869  One hundred and fifty acres of woodland in Wenham, Mass., belonging to Mr. White, were burned over lately. Two thousand cords of hard wood ready for market were also destroyed.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    May 15, 1869

    Visit Wenham, Massachusetts, USA!

    1900 May 15, 1900: Rain and fish fell from the sky in Olneyville, Rhode Island. Most of the fish measured 2- to 4-inches long.
    NOTE: Olneyville is a neighborhood in Providence, Rhode Island
    The Old Farmer's Almanac
    May 15, 1900

    Visit Providence, Rhode Island, USA!

    Tacoma, May 14. - About 6 o'clock last evening a wind storm struck a building which was being constructed for a hotel. The structure collapsed, burying about twenty workmen in the debris. One hundred citizens and laborers just returning home from their day's work were soon at work endeavoring to rescue the imprisoned men. In a few minutes one body was taken out. It was that of WALTER BATES, who was building the hotel. The body of a working man named McCONNELL, and the bodies of two others,...

    Salt Lake Daily Tribune
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    May 15, 1889

    Visit Tacoma, Washington, USA!

    1873  Another deposit of brown hematite iron ore has been found in South Shaftsbury, Vermont, near an iron furnace.

    The Indiana Progress
    Indiana, Pennsylvania
    May 15, 1873

    Visit Shaftsbury, Vermont, USA!

    1903  FIRE AT MANCHESTER. The Massabesic Hotel Destroyed - Probably the Work of an Incendiary.
    Manchester, N. H. May 14. - The Massabesic hotel in this city was destroyed by fire tonight. The hostelry, was one of the landmarks of Manchester, situated on the shores of Lake Massabesic where it had been a public house ever since the old stage coach days.

    The fire was doubtless of incendiary origin, all the circumstances tending to make significant a postal card message received at the office of the Manchester Union, this evening, to the effect that there would be at brilliant...

    Daily Kennebec Journal
    Augusta, Maine
    May 15, 1903

    Visit Manchester, New Hampshire, USA !

    US flag 

    America - Did you know?

     The California grizzly bear is the state’s official animal. However, in 1953 when it was named, it had already become extinct. The last known California grizzly to have been seen was killed in 1922.

    Canadian flag 

    Quebec - Did you know?

     When the Montréal metro was built, all the earth that was taken out was used to enlarge the Île Sainte-Hélène and to create the Île Notre-Dame for Expo 1967.

    Picture of the Day

    Visit Woodbury, Connecticut, USA (Hotchkissville)!

    Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

    Methodist Church
    Methodist Church
    The New Game Conette Sold Everywhere Two Styles 25 & 50 Cts. Milton Bradley Co., Springfield, Mass.  The Ladies Home Journal November 1898
    The New Game
    Sold Everywhere
    Two Styles 25 & 50 Cts.
    Milton Bradley Co., Springfield, Mass.

    The Ladies' Home Journal
    November 1898

    Founded in 1860, Milton Bradley Company is the oldest game manufacturer in the United States. Over the years Milton Bradley has marketed such classics as The Game of Life, Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, Twister, and Yahtzee. Since 1984 the company has operated as a division of the world’s largest toy company, Hasbro, Inc.

    Visit Springfield, Massachusetts, USA (Indian Orchard)!

    Died May 15


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