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Wednesday, December 20, 2023

December 21 News - 1857 - A Snake on Ice

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated December 21, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the December 21 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
    Putnam, Connecticut, USA

    1870 - Putnam Happenings

    The new road near Dressers', built by the Boston, Hartford & Erie railroad to prevent a grade crossing, is completed. It makes a heavy grade in the carriage road, but upon the whole is preferable to a grade crossing.

    Mr. Martin, depot master, who recently lost his arm upon the road at this place, has recovered sufficiently to be at the depot, but has not yet resumed the duties of his station.

    Moses Chandler was afflicted with a partial paralysis of the left arm, on Monday morning, as he... Read MORE...

    Norwich Aurora -  Norwich, Connecticut -  December 21, 1870

    Wa-Hoo Blood and Nerve Tonic Made in Detroit, MI  The label boasts it to be a positive cure for blood rheumatism, blood disorders, stomach trouble
    Wa-Hoo Blood and Nerve Tonic
    Made in Detroit, MI

    The label boasts it to be "a positive cure for blood rheumatism, blood disorders, stomach troubles, liver and kidney complaint, sick headache, malaria, indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, catarrah of the stomach, nervousness, skin diseases, salt rheum, scrofula and neuralgia."

    The label also says, "Also female weakness and irregularities are promptly relieved and permanently cured."

    Found at Old Drugstore, St Augustine, Florida

    Visit Detroit, Michigan, USA!

    Memphis, Tennessee, USA

    1866 - Fire

    Memphis, Dec. 19. - A fire broke out in the basement of Joseph Speet's confectionery, Madison street, at three o'clock this morning, resulting in an appalling disaster. Sixteen persons sleeping in the fourth story were suffocated or else woke to a sense of their situation and leaping through the windows were crushed on the pavement below.

    William J. Ehle, wholesale notion dealer and son-in-law of Speet, and his wife and child were asleep. Captain Waldraven, Chief of the fire Department,... Read MORE...

    Titusville Morning Herald -  Titusville, Pennsylvania -  December 21, 1866

    Akron, Ohio, USA


    Akron, O., Dec. 21. - The main building of Buchtel college, including all the laboratories, library, men's and women's dormitories, was burned to the ground. The fire started in the men's dormitory, about 5 p.m., and spread to other portions of the building rapidly. Much of the personal property of the students and a large number of valuable books from the library were saved. The loss is fully $100,000, with $65,000 insurance. A meeting of the students and friends of the college will be held... Read MORE...

    The Daily Herald -  Delphos, Ohio -  December 21, 1899


    1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

    To Toast Ham After boiling it well, take the skin off; cover the top with thick bread crumbs and brown it in the oven.
    St. Andrews Wine of Life Root, Female Regulator for Women Made in Bristol, TN  Found at Old Drugstore, St Augustine, Florida
    St. Andrews Wine of Life Root, Female Regulator for Women
    Made in Bristol, TN

    Found at Old Drugstore, St Augustine, Florida

    Visit , Tennessee, USA!

    Tucson, Arizona, USA

    1970 - Police Charge Hotel Fire Deaths to 16-Year-Old Boy - AT LEAST 28 DIED.

    Associated Press Writer
    TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) - Juvenile Court petitions alleging felony homicide and arson were filed today against a 16-year-old youth in a $2.5 million fire which killed 28 persons and injured 27 in a downtown hotel Sunday.

    The youth was taken into custody near the scene of the early morning blaze, and questioned by police.

    The petition identified him as Louis C. Taylor, four-time parolee from the State Industrial School for Boys.

    Patrolman Claus...

    The Yuma Daily Sun -  Yuma, Arizona -  December 21, 1970

    1870  Huge Fire
    The entire business portion of Brandenburg, Meade county, Ky, was destroyed by fire on the morning of the 22d. Only three business houses are left in the place. Loss estimated at $100,000; insurance, $50,000.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Brandenburg, Kentucky, USA!

    1852  Fire at Bellows Falls, Vermont.
    SPRINGFIELD, Monday, Dec. 20. The Valley Hotel at Bellows Falls, Vermont was destroyed by fire early this morning. The inmates barely escaped with their lives.

    The New York Times
    New York, New York

    Visit Rockingham, Vermont, USA (Bellows Falls) (Saxton's River)!

    1857  A Snake on Ice
    A black snake, four or five feet long, the other day attempted to cross a pond in Haverhill, Massachusetts, on the ice, but the progress made by his snakeship over the cold, glassy surface was so slow, that when within about ten feet of the shore, he became so chilled by the ice that he could go no further, and was drawn ashore by means of a pole and captured.

    The Adams Sentinel
    Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

    Visit Haverhill, Massachusetts, USA (Ayers Village)!

    US flag 

    America - Did you know?

     Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon; everyone knows that. But did you know that he was almost the first man “lost” in space? He was aboard Gemini 8 when it began spinning out of control while attempting a docking maneuver. Armstrong almost...Read MORE...

    Canadian flag 

    Quebec - Did you know?

     The chief festivities in New France occurred at Michaelmas, Christmas, Easter, and May Day. On Michaelmas the habitant came to pay the annual rental for his lands.

    Picture of the Day

    Visit Waltham, Massachusetts, USA!

    Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

    Along Crescent Street
    Along Crescent Street
    Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Made in Lynn, MA  Lydia Estes Pinkham (February 9, 1819 – May 17, 1883) was an iconic concocter and shrewd ma
    Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
    Made in Lynn, MA

    Lydia Estes Pinkham (February 9, 1819 – May 17, 1883) was an iconic concocter and shrewd marketer of a commercially successful herbal-alcoholic "women's tonic" meant to relieve menstrual and menopausal pains. Although Pinkham's Vegetable Compound sold well to the general public, it was regarded by health experts as quackery... wikipedia

    Found at Old Drugstore, St Augustine, Florida

    Visit Lynn, Massachusetts, USA!

    Died December 21


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