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Saturday, December 30, 2023

December 30 News - 1903 - Iroquois Theater fire in Chicago kills 600

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated December 30, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the December 30 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
    Sleighs. For Speeding a Specialty; For the Family; For the Road; Correct in style; Half the regular price; Harness, Horse Blankets, Sleigh Bells
    For Speeding a Specialty;
    For the Family;
    For the Road;
    Correct in style;
    Half the regular price;
    Harness, Horse Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Sleigh Robes, etc., etc.

    E. N. Heney Co., Limited.
    333-335 St. Paul Street, Montreal

    Montreal Argus
    December 31, 1904

    Visit Montréal, Québec, Canada (Sault-au-Récollet) (Côte-St-Michel) (Côte-St-Paul)!

    Watertown, Massachusetts, USA

    1916 - ENDS LIFE IN POTOMAC - Edwin Coobs, Watertown, Mass., Victim of Nervous Troubles

    Arrived With Specialist En Route to Florida and Vanished from Hotel. Body Found Two Hours Later.

    The body of Edwin Coombs, 50 years old, librarian, of Watertown, Mass., was recovered from the Potomac River at the Tenth street wharf southwest, at 9 o'clock last night, two hours after he had disappeared from the Congress Hall Hotel.

    Mr. Coombs, suffering from a nervous trouble, accompanied by Dr. Co. O. Chase, a specialist in such maladies, from Watertown, Mass., en route to St. Augustine,... Read MORE...

    The Washington Post -  Washington, D.C. -  December 30, 1916

    Greensburg, Pennsylvania, USA

    1886 - Ten Buildings in Ruins at Greensburg, Pa. - A Tannery Consumed - Minor Burnings.


    GREENSBURG, Pa., Dec. 29. - A conflagration at Greensburg, Westmoreland County, this morning, destroyed one of the finest blocks in the city, and for several hours threatened destruction of the entire business portion of that thriving place. The fire was discovered at 2 o'clock, and is supposed to have originated in Temple's hardware store. The fire apparatus was wholly inadequate, and the flames quickly spread to the adjoining buildings. The citizens worked... Read MORE...

    The Daily Inter Ocean -  Chicago, Illinois -  December 30, 1886


    1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes


    Mix thoroughly a quart of stale bread, very finely grated;
    the grated rind of a lemon;
    quarter of an ounce of minced parsley and thyme,
    one part thyme, two parts parsley;
    and pepper and salt to season.

    Add to these...

    from an 1888 cookbook
    The St. James Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida  Boston Evening Transcript Boston, Massachusetts January 30, 1890
    The St. James Hotel, Jacksonville, Florida

    Boston Evening Transcript
    Boston, Massachusetts
    January 30, 1890

    Visit Jacksonville, Florida, USA!

    West Haven, Connecticut, USA

    1893 - INCENDIARY FIRES IN WEST HAVEN. The Fire Department of the Town Was Kept Busy for Several Hours.

    NEW-HAVEN, Conn., Dec. 29. - Two incendiary fires in West Haven to-night kept the Fire Department busy for several hours. The first consumed a barn owned by the late George Kelsey. By extinguishing a lively blaze the firemen prevented imminent destruction to adjacent buildings.

    Before the burning barn was abandoned a general alarm called the department to the newly-erected Town Hall, which has just been completed at a cost of about $25,000, and which was ready for occupancy with the new... Read MORE...

    The New York Times -  New York, New York -  December 30, 1893

    1924  December 30 – Astronomer Edwin Hubble announces that Andromeda, previously believed to be a nebula, is actually another galaxy, and that the Milky Way is only one of many such galaxies in the universe

    Visit , United States (USA) (American Colonies)!

    1862  December 30 – The USS Monitor sinks in storm in the Atlantic off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.

    Visit , North Carolina, USA!

    1911  Duck Hunters Drown
    Westport, Mass., Dec. 29 - The drowning of three men who left their homes here yesterday afternoon to go duck hunting became known today. A searching party today found their boat floating, bottom up.

    Reading Times
    Reading, Pennsylvania

    Visit Westport, Massachusetts, USA (Westport Point)!

    1936  General Motors Strike
    December 30 - Spurred by an unfounded rumor that work is going to be transferred to plants with weak union support, autoworkers begin a spontaneous sit-down strike at General Motors Corporation (GMC) plants in Flint. resources/state-history-timeline/ michigan.html

    Visit Flint, Michigan, USA!

    1903  December 30 – Iroquois Theater fire in Chicago kills 600
    A safety standard for theaters and public buildings rises from the ashes of the Iroquois Theater (in Chicago), where more than 600 people were killed... Henceforth, all theater exits had to be clearly marked and the doors rigged so that, even if they could not be pulled open from the outside, they could be pushed open from the inside. politics/chi-chicagodays- iroquoisfire-story,0,6395565.story

    Visit Chicago, Illinois, USA!

    1867  Destructive Fire at Milford
    WORCESTER, Mass., Sunday, Dec. 29. A fire occurred in Milford, on Saturday afternoon, which consumed a barn containing fifteen tons of hay, a large quantity of grain, eleven cattle and three sheep, the property of Nelson Madden. It was set on fire by a little boy three years old. The loss will amount to about $3,000; insurance small.

    The New York Times
    New York, New York

    Visit Milford, Massachusetts, USA!

    US flag 

    America - Did you know?

     1774: First Continental Congressmeets in Philadelphia, with 56 delegates representing every colony except Georgia. Delegates include Patrick Henry, George Washington, and Samuel Adams.

    Canadian flag 

    Quebec - Did you know?

     Before its completion in 1919, the Quebec Bridge collapsed twice on September 11th, 1907 and August 29th, 1916.

    Picture of the Day

    Visit Périgueux, France (Perigueux)!

    Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

    Escape Gray Hair  Canute Water  The Berkshire Evening Eagle Pittsfield, Massachusetts March 14, 1944
    Escape Gray Hair

    Canute Water

    The Berkshire Evening Eagle
    Pittsfield, Massachusetts
    March 14, 1944

    Visit , United States (USA) (American Colonies)!

    Died December 30


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