Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.
In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated October 18, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.
From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.
So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the October 18 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
OTTAWA, Oct. 12 - T.C. Keefer, president of the American Society of Civil Engineers, has received a cable from London announcing that the contract for the construction of a ship railway from the Bay of Fundy to Baie Verte, Gulf of the St. Lawrence, was finally settled yesterday,, and that Ketchum, promoter of the scheme, sailed for Canada in the Eturia to-day. Keefer is one of the provisional directors named in the act of parliament incorporating the Chignecto Marine Railway company. The work... Read MORE...
The Brandon Mail - Brandon, Manitoba, Canada - October 18, 1888
1888 - There is every probability that the first ship railway of the world will be built in Canada.
OTTAWA, Oct. 12 - T.C. Keefer, president of the American Society of Civil Engineers, has received a cable from London announcing that the contract for the construction of a ship railway from the Bay of Fundy to Baie Verte, Gulf of the St. Lawrence, was finally settled yesterday,, and that Ketchum, promoter of the scheme, sailed for Canada in the Eturia to-day. Keefer is one of the provisional directors named in the act of parliament incorporating the Chignecto Marine Railway company. The work... Read MORE...
The Brandon Mail - Brandon, Manitoba, Canada - October 18, 1888
G. L. Winter, Southbridge, Mass.
Visit Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)!
1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes
Adding Fruit to Cake - Currants, raisins and citrus will not settle to the bottom of either cake or pudding if they are thorougly floured and the batters are of proper consistency. When the batters are too thin, of course they will settle.
George H. Hartwell
Druggist and Apothecary
Cor. Main and Central Sts., Southbridge, Mass.
Built in 1867, George H. Hartwell operated an apothecary from this premises, at 98 Main Street and 1 Central Street.
Visit Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)!
Gorham, Maine, USA
From the Portland Advertiser.
A violent tornado was experienced in Gorham on Sunday night. The dwelling house of MR. NILES, a frame building, one and a half stories in height, was moved from its foundation, back about ten feet, when it brought up against an apple tree. Thus far it saved MR. NILES a good deal of trouble and expense, for he intended to move his house back to the very spot where the tornado left it. But he was not quite so well pleased with the freaks the wind played with his... Read MORE...
The New York Times - New York, New York - October 18, 1855
From the Portland Advertiser.
A violent tornado was experienced in Gorham on Sunday night. The dwelling house of MR. NILES, a frame building, one and a half stories in height, was moved from its foundation, back about ten feet, when it brought up against an apple tree. Thus far it saved MR. NILES a good deal of trouble and expense, for he intended to move his house back to the very spot where the tornado left it. But he was not quite so well pleased with the freaks the wind played with his... Read MORE...
The New York Times - New York, New York - October 18, 1855
1800s Advice and Etiquette for Ladies
Dress for Morning Visits — A lady should never receive her morning callers in a wrapper, unless they call at an unusually early hour, or some unexpected demand upon her time makes it impossible to change her dress after breakfast. On the other hand, an elaborate costume before dinner is in excessive
Bradford, Pennsylvania, USA
Bradford, Pa., Oct. 18. - Forest fires are raging all around this city and last night Bradford was enveloped in a cloud of smoke, the woods surrounding the town being in flames. At Rice Brook, in the newly discovered oil region, there has been a reign of terror during the last forty-eight hours, the people expecting every hour to be overwhelmed by the flames which surround them.
The territory lying between Salamanca, Carrolton and Halls Mills has been swept by fire, probably 6,000 acres... Read MORE...
Evening Herald - Syracuse, New York - October 18, 1897
Bradford, Pa., Oct. 18. - Forest fires are raging all around this city and last night Bradford was enveloped in a cloud of smoke, the woods surrounding the town being in flames. At Rice Brook, in the newly discovered oil region, there has been a reign of terror during the last forty-eight hours, the people expecting every hour to be overwhelmed by the flames which surround them.
The territory lying between Salamanca, Carrolton and Halls Mills has been swept by fire, probably 6,000 acres... Read MORE...
Evening Herald - Syracuse, New York - October 18, 1897
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (Losanteville)
Cincinnati, Oct. 15. - Ten persons are reported killed by the breaking loose of a car on the Auburn incline plane. The rope broke just as the car reached the top and it went crashing down and ran into a passenger station and into the office below. Three are killed, and five probably fatally injured.
The most appalling accident ever known of the inclined plane railways in this city happened to-day between 12 and 1 o'clock on the Mount Auburn inclined plane.
It lies at the head of Main...
Daily Enquirer - Utah - October 18, 1889
1889 - FATAL TRAIN WRECK Most Appalling Accident of its Kind Ever Known
Cincinnati, Oct. 15. - Ten persons are reported killed by the breaking loose of a car on the Auburn incline plane. The rope broke just as the car reached the top and it went crashing down and ran into a passenger station and into the office below. Three are killed, and five probably fatally injured.
The most appalling accident ever known of the inclined plane railways in this city happened to-day between 12 and 1 o'clock on the Mount Auburn inclined plane.
It lies at the head of Main...
Daily Enquirer - Utah - October 18, 1889
Windsor, Nova Scotia, Canada (Pisiquit, Acadia)
Practically All the Inhabitants of the Town Homeless - Conflagration Started at 3 o'Clock in the Morning.
WINDSOR, N. S., Oct. 17. - Historic Windsor, one of the most beautiful towns in the provinces, was devastated by fire this morning. The fire raged for six hours, beginning a little before 3 o'clock, the flames all the while being fanned by a violent northwest gale.
Long before noon the town had been almost completely destroyed, the area covered by the... Read MORE...
The New York Times - New York, New York - October 18, 1897
1897 - BIG FIRE IN WINDSOR, N.S. - Territory a Mile Square Swept by Flames and Barely Half a Dozen Buildings Left Standing.
Practically All the Inhabitants of the Town Homeless - Conflagration Started at 3 o'Clock in the Morning.
WINDSOR, N. S., Oct. 17. - Historic Windsor, one of the most beautiful towns in the provinces, was devastated by fire this morning. The fire raged for six hours, beginning a little before 3 o'clock, the flames all the while being fanned by a violent northwest gale.
Long before noon the town had been almost completely destroyed, the area covered by the... Read MORE...
The New York Times - New York, New York - October 18, 1897
Syracuse, New York, USA
SYRACUSE, Oct. 15. - The Leland hotel, the finest in the city, was totally destroyed by fire last night and it is feared there has been loss of life.
NEW YORK, OCT. 15. - It is reported from Syracuse, that probably 25 lives were lost by the Leland house fire. Full particulars are wanting.
SYRACUSE, Oct. 16. – What proved to be the most disastrous fire that has visited Syracuse for many years was discovered in the Leland hotel at... Read MORE...
Aspen Weekly Times - Aspen, Colorado - October 18, 1890
SYRACUSE, Oct. 15. - The Leland hotel, the finest in the city, was totally destroyed by fire last night and it is feared there has been loss of life.
NEW YORK, OCT. 15. - It is reported from Syracuse, that probably 25 lives were lost by the Leland house fire. Full particulars are wanting.
SYRACUSE, Oct. 16. – What proved to be the most disastrous fire that has visited Syracuse for many years was discovered in the Leland hotel at... Read MORE...
Aspen Weekly Times - Aspen, Colorado - October 18, 1890
1888 Two hundred feet of canal bank gave way this morning opposite Moulinette.
CORNWALL, Oct. 12 - The water for six or seven miles on each side rushed out in torrents. The break is very serious and it will take three weeks to repair it, thus practically closing navigation inland for that time. The continued wet weather is ascribed as the cause. It is also stated that an old existing leak which has been neglected by the government has gradually increased in size. Assistance has been asked from Ottawa to repair the break.
The Brandon Mail
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
October 18, 1888
Visit Cornwall, Ontario, Canada!
1888 Bread has risen two cents since September, and a further rise of four cents is to be made by the end of the week.
MONTREAL, Oct. 11. - The bakers claim they are now losing fifty cents on a barrel of flour. There is great demand for brown bread in consequence.
The Brandon Mail
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
October 18, 1888
Visit Montréal, Québec, Canada (Sault-au-Récollet) (Côte-St-Michel) (Côte-St-Paul)!
1888 There were three fatalities in this vicinity yesterday.
St. John, N.B., Oct. 11 - Thomas Wallace, a young man under the influence of liquor, lay down on the railway track and was found with his arms horribly mangled, and other injuries which will cause death. George Golding, 60 years of age, fell on a rotary saw in Jordan & Stetson's mill, and was almost cut in two. Death was instantaneous. An 18-year-old boy named Irvine was drowned in Milford river.
The Brandon Mail
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
October 18, 1888
Visit Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada!
CORNWALL, Oct. 12 - The water for six or seven miles on each side rushed out in torrents. The break is very serious and it will take three weeks to repair it, thus practically closing navigation inland for that time. The continued wet weather is ascribed as the cause. It is also stated that an old existing leak which has been neglected by the government has gradually increased in size. Assistance has been asked from Ottawa to repair the break.
The Brandon Mail
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
October 18, 1888
Visit Cornwall, Ontario, Canada!
1888 Bread has risen two cents since September, and a further rise of four cents is to be made by the end of the week.
MONTREAL, Oct. 11. - The bakers claim they are now losing fifty cents on a barrel of flour. There is great demand for brown bread in consequence.
The Brandon Mail
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
October 18, 1888
Visit Montréal, Québec, Canada (Sault-au-Récollet) (Côte-St-Michel) (Côte-St-Paul)!
1888 There were three fatalities in this vicinity yesterday.
St. John, N.B., Oct. 11 - Thomas Wallace, a young man under the influence of liquor, lay down on the railway track and was found with his arms horribly mangled, and other injuries which will cause death. George Golding, 60 years of age, fell on a rotary saw in Jordan & Stetson's mill, and was almost cut in two. Death was instantaneous. An 18-year-old boy named Irvine was drowned in Milford river.
The Brandon Mail
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
October 18, 1888
Visit Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada!
1888 When he speaks at Birmingham in November an attempt will be made to take Mr. Gladstone's speech in one of Mr. Edison's phonographs.
OTTAWA, Oct. 10 - If successful the phonograph will be carried around the country and the speech repeated in town halls and clubs as delivered by Mr Gladston in identically his own tone and voice. The phonograph will, in fact, be some sort of mechanical Gladstone, multiplying his persuasive influece, and is likely to become a great educator because of the novelty of the idea.
The Brandon Mail
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
October 18, 1888
Visit Ottawa, Ontario, Canada!
1888 Miss Bryan, a young woman of Winnipeg, was robbed on Monday night by a man who undertook to show her the way from the depot to a hotel.
TORONTO, Oct 10 - Instead of taking her to her destination he led her along Front street, and at a dark corner snatched her satchel containg fifty dollars, some jewellery and a ticke for Seaforth. A purse containg twenty dollars, which dropped fromt he satchel, was afterwards found where she struggled with the theif for the possesion of her property.
The Brandon Mail
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
October 18, 1888
Visit Toronto, Ontario, Canada (York)!
1888 Leda Montagne, accused of the murder of her husband, has been acquitted.
SHERBROOKE, Oct. 10 - Lemieux's address in her defence is pronounced the most poweful and eloquent ever delivered in this district. All were deeply moved by the pathetic appeal. The Crown prosecutor had an arduous task to restore the feelings of the jurors, and afterwards made an able addres, which lasted three hours. The jury deliberated two hours.
The Brandon Mail
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
October 18, 1888
Visit Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada!
OTTAWA, Oct. 10 - If successful the phonograph will be carried around the country and the speech repeated in town halls and clubs as delivered by Mr Gladston in identically his own tone and voice. The phonograph will, in fact, be some sort of mechanical Gladstone, multiplying his persuasive influece, and is likely to become a great educator because of the novelty of the idea.
The Brandon Mail
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
October 18, 1888
Visit Ottawa, Ontario, Canada!
1888 Miss Bryan, a young woman of Winnipeg, was robbed on Monday night by a man who undertook to show her the way from the depot to a hotel.
TORONTO, Oct 10 - Instead of taking her to her destination he led her along Front street, and at a dark corner snatched her satchel containg fifty dollars, some jewellery and a ticke for Seaforth. A purse containg twenty dollars, which dropped fromt he satchel, was afterwards found where she struggled with the theif for the possesion of her property.
The Brandon Mail
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
October 18, 1888
Visit Toronto, Ontario, Canada (York)!
1888 Leda Montagne, accused of the murder of her husband, has been acquitted.
SHERBROOKE, Oct. 10 - Lemieux's address in her defence is pronounced the most poweful and eloquent ever delivered in this district. All were deeply moved by the pathetic appeal. The Crown prosecutor had an arduous task to restore the feelings of the jurors, and afterwards made an able addres, which lasted three hours. The jury deliberated two hours.
The Brandon Mail
Brandon, Manitoba, Canada
October 18, 1888
Visit Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada!
1909 From sardine packers at one season of the year to Irish lacemakers at another
is the strange labor transformation which takes place among the regions workers at Bretagne, France.
Reading Times
Reading, Pennsylvania
October 18, 1909
Visit Bretagne, France (Brittany)!
1930 October 18 - A big early season lake effect snowburst on the lee shores of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario produced 47 inches at Gouverneur NY and 48 inches just south of Buffalo.
October 18, 1930
Visit Gouverneur, New York, USA!
Holyoke, Mass., Oct. 18 - The Summit House on the peak of Mount Tom, near Holyoke, Mass., was totally destroyed by a blaze that could be seen for many miles throughout the valley. The loss was placed at $60,000, and was fully covered by insurance.
The News-Democrat
Uhrichsville, Ohio
October 18, 1900
Visit Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA!
is the strange labor transformation which takes place among the regions workers at Bretagne, France.
Reading Times
Reading, Pennsylvania
October 18, 1909
Visit Bretagne, France (Brittany)!
1930 October 18 - A big early season lake effect snowburst on the lee shores of Lake Erie and Lake Ontario produced 47 inches at Gouverneur NY and 48 inches just south of Buffalo.
October 18, 1930
Visit Gouverneur, New York, USA!
Holyoke, Mass., Oct. 18 - The Summit House on the peak of Mount Tom, near Holyoke, Mass., was totally destroyed by a blaze that could be seen for many miles throughout the valley. The loss was placed at $60,000, and was fully covered by insurance.
The News-Democrat
Uhrichsville, Ohio
October 18, 1900
Visit Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA!
1877 Musings
An old lady at Newport, Rhode Island, talking of old times, told the following of a former belle of Newport, Miss Sally Champlin: 'She was a great beauty. She had rejected a great many fine offers, when one day there came a proud gentleman, who, meeting the same fate, did not take it so meekly as the others, and asked for some definite reason. Sally was used to a very different manner, and she turned upon him sharply, 'Sir, you seem to think that it is a very wonderful thing for a man to be...
Augusta Chronicle
Augusta, Georgia
October 18, 1877
Visit Newport, Rhode Island, USA!
An old lady at Newport, Rhode Island, talking of old times, told the following of a former belle of Newport, Miss Sally Champlin: 'She was a great beauty. She had rejected a great many fine offers, when one day there came a proud gentleman, who, meeting the same fate, did not take it so meekly as the others, and asked for some definite reason. Sally was used to a very different manner, and she turned upon him sharply, 'Sir, you seem to think that it is a very wonderful thing for a man to be...
Augusta Chronicle
Augusta, Georgia
October 18, 1877
Visit Newport, Rhode Island, USA!
America - Did you know?
Presidential Turkey Pardons: Thanksgiving in general seems to mystify those not steeped in American traditions, but perhaps no part of that quirky turkey fest seems more bizarre than the annual ceremony during which modern presidents grant an...Read MORE...people.howstuffworks.com
Quebec - Did you know?
Have you ever wondered why there are often no very old tombstones in the cemteries of Canada/ New France? There is a good reason. Up until the mid to late 1800s, the deceased were buried around the church. It was the customary practice to do this as...Read MORE...La Nativité de Notre-Dame du Vieux-Beauport (www.fabriquelanativite.com)
Picture of the Day
Visit Montréal, Québec, Canada (Sault-au-Récollet) (Côte-St-Michel) (Côte-St-Paul)!
Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.
Ford Hotel
Hyde Manufacturing Co., Southbridge, Mass.
...The Hyde Mfg. Co. opened the period with the erection of a new brick plant in 1917... www.sec.state.ma.us
Visit Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)!