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Friday, September 13, 2024

September 14 News - 1922 - Crimes Peculiar to the Sea.

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated September 14, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the September 14 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
    Atlantic Ocean / Pacific Ocean (at sea)*

    1922 - Crimes Peculiar to the Sea.

    The sea has its own peculiar crimes - coopering, barratry, piracy, blackbird and, better known, perhaps, mutiny. It has its own queer unsolved crimes as the case of the Marie Celeste. But the sea today is a more law-abiding place than it used to be. The souvenir hunteres are the real sea criminals of modern times. There are accounts in the office of a well-known firm of passenger-carrying ships where the total losses of crockery, linen and plate in a single ship on a single trip were set out.... Read MORE...

    St Albans Daily Messenger -  St Albans, Vermont -  September 14, 1922

    W. T. Warren & Son, Manufacturers of Coaches, Carriages, Sleighs, Sulkies, Trotting Wagons, Mining Cars... Dealers in all kinds of Hardwood Lumber, Co
    W. T. Warren & Son, Manufacturers of Coaches, Carriages, Sleighs, Sulkies, Trotting Wagons, Mining Cars... Dealers in all kinds of Hardwood Lumber, Coach, Carriage and Wagon Stock,

    Nos. 101 and 103 North C St., Virginia, Nevada

    Blacksmithing and Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. All kinds of Mining Tools made to Order.

    Work Warranted Satisfactory in Every Particular

    1873 ad

    The Virginia and Truckee Railroad Directory, 1873-74: Embracing a General Directory of Residents of Virginia City, Gold Hill, Silver City, Dayton, Carson, Franktown, Washoe City and Reno, Together with a Business Directory, Also an Appendix, Giving Statistics of State and Storey, Lyno, Ormsby and Washoe Counties
    Front Cover
    H.S. Crocker & Company, 1873

    Visit Virginia City, Nevada, USA!


    1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

    Maine Potato Candy (also known as Needham’s)


    • 4 cups confectioners’ sugar
    • 4 cups shredded coconut
    • 3/ 4 cup cold, plain, mashed potatoes
    • 1 1/ 2 teaspoons vanilla
    • 1/ 2 teaspoon salt
    • chocolate for coating the candy


    Quaker Oat Mill Company, Ravenna, Ohio ad
    Quaker Oat Mill Company, Ravenna, Ohio ad

    Visit , Ohio, USA!

    Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA

    1895 - THE USUAL RESULT. Green Bay Young Man Injured While Alighting from a Train.

    Green Bay, Wis., Sept. 9. - [Special.] - David Anderson and two companions jumped from a slowly moving Chicago & North-Western train Saturday night. Anderson missed his footing and fell, striking his head a terrific blow on the rail. He was rendered unconscious and his companions had barely time to drag him from the track and prevent the wheels of the car passing over him. At it is, the physician is uncertain what the result of his injury will be. Anderson is about 21 years of age and employed... Read MORE...

    Centralia Enterprise and Tribune -  Centralia, Wisconsin -  September 14, 1895

    Columbia, South Carolina, USA


    Columbia, S.C., Sept. 13 (AP) - Four officers and three enlisted men were killed in the crash of an Army bomber Sunday a mile from the Columbia Army Air Base.

    The plane, stationed at the base, was returning from a routine training flight and crashed on landing.

    The dead, listed by Second Lieut. D. R. Moore, public relations officer:
    Second Lieut. FRANCIS W. SPARKS, 27, the pilot, Columbia, S.C.
    Second Lieut. MARTIN O. VANGSNESS, 22, Carplo, N.D.
    Second Lieut. DONALD V. URQUHART, 27,...

    Albuquerque Journal -  Albuquerque, New Mexico -  September 14, 1942

    Sioux City, Iowa, USA


    Sioux City, Sept. 14. - An arson gang seeking revenge for some unknown reason is suspected of having set fire to the residence of the late Congressman J. B. Latta at 3 a. m. today causing the death of Elmer Moore, 17, protege of Latta. When the firemen dragged Moore out it was found that oil had been sprinkled both in the house and barn which also burned. In the last few years Latta ranch buildings were destroyed by incendiaries at the rate of two a year. In the absence of the family Moore and... Read MORE...

    Iowa City Daily Citizen -  Iowa City, Iowa -  September 14, 1916

    Victorian lady 

    1800s Advice and Etiquette for Ladies

    Storm Dresses — A lady who is obliged to go out frequently in bad weather, will find it both a convenience and economy to have a storm dress. Both dress and cloak should be made of a woolen material, (varying of course with the season,) which will...Read MORE...

    The Ladies' Book of Etiquette, and Manual of Politeness: A Complete Handbook for the Use of the Lady in Polite Society... by Florence Hartley, January 1, 1872

    Bangor, Maine, USA


    County Roads Impossible on Account of the Heat - Blazes Elsewhere.

    Bangor, Me., Sept. 13. - It has now been more than a month since a single drop of rain fell in this section. Yesterday Bangor, which is miles from the center of the vast belt of forest fires now raging, felt their effect severely. The city was enveloped in a dense, heavy cloud of smoke, which found its way into the houses and left its odor everywhere. East of this city the outlook has grown more discouraging, especially along ... Read MORE...

    The Sunday Inter Ocean -  Chicago, Illinois -  September 14, 1889

    1864 - Pasteurization is invented (Louis Pasteur, France)

    Perfect Pasteurization Means Perfect Protection

    Pasturization is simply heating milk - not boiling it.

    By raising the temperature of the milk to 145 degrees Fahrenheit and keeping it at that point for thirty minutes, all harmful germs are destroyed, by the milk is not changed.

    After heating, the milk, is immediately cooled to 40 degrees or less and flows to the bottling machine and is automatically filled and capped; thus avoiding contact with human hands.

    Holiday Dairy

    The Evening Herald -  Klamath Falls, Oregon -  September 14, 1925

    Norwich, Connecticut, USA (Norwichtown) (Yantic) (Greeneville) (Occum) (Taftville)


    One Woman Badly Injured in Accident Near Norwich.

    Special to The New York Times.

    NEW LONDON, Conn., Sept. 13. - Central Vermont train running from Brattleboro to New London to connect with a boat for New York, was derailed near Norwich, at 9 o'clock to-night. The locomotive left the rails and plunged down an embankment, but the cars remained on the track.

    Only one passenger was badly injured. She is Mrs. Marie Cram, a nurse, residing at Norwich.

    The other passengers were transferred ...

    The New York Times -  New York, New York -  September 14, 1913

    Greenwich, Connecticut, USA (Glenville)


    Special to The New York Times.

    Greenwich, Conn., Sept. 13. - JIMMIE MEEHAN, aged fourteen, is dying at his home, next door to the Summer residence of WILLIAM H. TRUESDALE, President of the Lackawanna Road, owing to his desire to ride a circus pony.

    JIMMIE was one of the lemonade boys at the amateur circus this afternoon, and afterward volunteered to lead MR. TRUESDALE'S son's pony, DAN, to JOHN WAHL'S stables, a half mile away. CALVIN TRUESDALE had ridden the pony in the ring. JIMMIE was... Read MORE...

    The New York Times -  New York, New York -  September 14, 1902

    Pittsfield, Massachusetts, USA (Coltsville)

    Thursday, September 14, 2006 - Officials: Fire set on purpose

    Benning W. De La Mater
    Thursday, September 14 PITTSFIELD -- Fire investigators determined the fire that scorched a condemned house at 363 Columbus Ave. Tuesday night was an act of arson.

    "We found more than one point of origin," said Pittsfield Deputy Chief Mark Cancilla. "It looks to have been intentionally set."

    Investigators were on scene yesterday and learned from combing through the slumped wreckage that flames were started in both a first-floor wall and in an area on the second... Read MORE...

    The Berkshire Eagle -  Pittsfield, Massachusetts -  September 14, 2006

    1876  September 14 - A little girl died at Barnard, Vermont, the other day by paralysis caused by the poison in colored stockings which she had been in the habit of wearing.

    Juniata Sentinel and Republican
    Mifflintown, Pennsylvania
    September 14, 1876

    Visit Barnard, Vermont, USA!

    1937  September 14 - The mercury soared to 92 degrees at Seattle, WA, a record for September.

    The Weather Channel
    September 14, 1937

    Visit Seattle, Washington, USA!

    1934  Communist Plot Rumored To Dynamite Water Supply
    CUMBERLAND, R.I., Sept. 14. - (UP) - Unconfirmed rumors of a communist plot to dynamite Pawtucket's water supply spread today and police guards were assigned to the reservoir at Diamond Hill in this town. Neither state nor local police would admit having received tips indicating such a plot, however.

    The Evening Standard
    Uniontown, Pennsylvania
    September 14, 1934

    Visit Cumberland, Rhode Island, USA (Valley Falls) (Ashton) (Cumberland Hill)!

    1830  Water Snakes
    Mr. Ephraim Wheelock, of Southbridge, Mass. while mowing, came in contact with a large water snake, measuring 3 feet 9 inches. After killing it, he cut it open, and found it to contain 43 live ones.

    Huron Reflector
    Norwalk, Ohio
    September 14, 1830

    Visit Southbridge, Massachusetts, USA (Globe) (Lensdale) (Saundersdale) (Shuttleville)!

    1886  September 14 - George K Anderson of Memphis, Tennessee patents typewriter ribbon
    September 14, 1886

    Visit Memphis, Tennessee, USA!

    US flag 

    America - Did you know?

     1773: Boston Tea Party: Group of colonial patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians board three ships in Boston harbor and dump more than 300 crates of tea overboard as a protest against the British tea tax.

    Canadian flag 

    Quebec - Did you know?

     In the mid 1800s, New France had a population of about 4 million. 1/2 were Catholic. 1/2 were Protestant. 1/3 of the population was French speaking.

    Picture of the Day

    Visit Cumberland, Rhode Island, USA (Valley Falls) (Ashton) (Cumberland Hill)!

    Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

    Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, Mt. St. Rita, Cumberland, Rhode Island
    Our Lady of Fatima Shrine, Mt. St. Rita, Cumberland, Rhode Island
    Our Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of Orchids on application  Lager & Hurrell, Orchid Growers and Importers, Summit, N.J. 1905
    Our Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of Orchids on application

    Lager & Hurrell, Orchid Growers and Importers, Summit, N.J.

    Visit Summit, New Jersey, USA!

    Died September 14


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