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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

September 25 News - 1863 - Timely Advice

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated September 25, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the September 25 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
    The Bakersfield Californian Bakersfield, California June 29, 1908
    The Bakersfield Californian
    Bakersfield, California
    June 29, 1908

    Visit Bakersfield, California, USA!

    1780 - September 25 - Benedict Arnold's plans to cede West Point to the British discovered.

    On September 25, 1780, one of the most infamous incidents in American Revolutionary history occurred: the discovery of Benedict Arnold's plot to betray West Point to the British. Arnold, a former American general, had become disillusioned with the Revolutionary cause and sought personal gain by offering to hand over the strategically important fort to the British. His plan was to weaken the American position and secure a high-ranking position in the British army.

    However, his scheme was...
    September 25, 1780

    1879 - September 25 – Fire in Deadwood, South Dakota: Two thousand people left homeless; three hundred buildings destroyed. Total loss of property is estimated at $3 million.

    On September 25, 1879, Deadwood, South Dakota, was ravaged by a devastating fire that left a profound impact on the burgeoning mining town. The fire, which began in the downtown area, quickly spread due to strong winds and the predominantly wooden construction of buildings at the time. By the time the flames were brought under control, approximately 2,000 residents were left homeless, and a staggering 300 buildings lay in ruins. The financial toll was immense, with property losses estimated at... Read MORE...

    September 25, 1879

    Arcadia, California, USA

    1892 - A SPLENDID RESIDENCE BURNED. J. W. McClelland's House at Arcadia Laid in Ashes.

    Mrs. McClelland Narrowly Escaped Perishing in the Flames.

    One of Her Rescuers Badly Burned - A Gasoline Stove Was the Cause of the Fire - Loss $6000. Partly Insured.

    By the Associated Press.
    ARCADIA, Cal., Sept. 24. - The fine two story frame building of J. W. McClelland, of this place, was burned to the ground about 2 o'clock this afternoon. It was valued at about $6000; partially insured. By the brave efforts of Gus Delude and Bob Maehl, Mrs. McClelland was rescued, exhausted, from a... Read MORE...

    Los Angeles Herald -  Los Angeles, California -  September 25, 1892


    1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

    White Mountain Rolls - Sixteen cups of flour, half cup of sugar, cup of butter, cup of yeast, the white of four eggs, beaten to a stiff froth, and four cups of boiling milk; melt the butter and sugar in the milk, have the milk blood warm, and ...Read MORE...

    The Willimantic Chronicle, Willimantic, Conn., October 26, 1881

    Missoula County, Montana, USA (Missoula)


    Missoula, Sept. 24. - (AP) - Crumbling, smoking walls and blackened piles of brick are all that remain of the Florence hotel block as weary firemen struggle to speed mopup work on the blaze which early this morning destroyed the block with loss estimated ranging as high as $400,000.

    The building, in the heart of the business district, housed Missoula's biggest hostelry and a half score of business places. One hundred seventy-five guests of the hotel, including the University of Minnesota's... Read MORE...

    The Helena Independent -  Helena, Montana -  September 25, 1936

    Cowans Swiss Milk Chocolate The Cowan Co., Ltd., Toronto  St. John Daily Sun, St. John, New Brunswick - June 29, 1904
    Cowan's Swiss Milk Chocolate
    The Cowan Co., Ltd., Toronto

    St. John Daily Sun, St. John, New Brunswick - June 29, 1904

    Visit Toronto, Ontario, Canada (York)!

    Derby, Connecticut, USA

    1882 - HIGH WATER AT DERBY. The Scene at the Ousatonic Dam - Freshets of Past Years.

    BIRMINGHAM, Sept. 25.- The steady down pour of rain during Saturday, both day and night, caused the Ousatonic and Naugatuck rivers to rise to the height of 11 feet 6 ½ inches above low water mark making the third freshet at this season in twenty-five years, the other two having occurred October 4th, 1869, when the water was at the height of 16 feet, and August 19th, 1875, the water rising 11 feet 6 inches. It will be remembered that the October freshet is also the date that the dam gave way and ... Read MORE...

    The New Haven Evening Register -  New Haven, Connecticut -  September 25, 1882

    Victorian man 

    1800s Advice and Etiquette for Men

    The person should be accurately clean; the teeth,
    hands, and nails, should be particularly so: a dirty mouth has real ill consequences to the owner ; for it infallibly causes the decay, as well as the intolerable pain, of the teeth; and is very...Read MORE...

    Practical Morality, Or, A Guide to Men and Manners... (1813). United Kingdom: J. Walker.

    Pawling, New York, USA

    1871 - Circus Riot

    The hitherto quiet village of Pawling, New York, has been the recipient of an excitement that had more pain than pleasure. A circus company that was appropriately named O'Brien's menagerie visited the village and announced a performance. Somehow, contrary to all precedent, the amusement did not take. A beggarly account of empty benches rewarded the performer's exertions. Irritated by this neglect the circus employees proceeded to 'clean out the town,' to use a California phrase. They entered... Read MORE...
    Galveston Tri-Weekly News -  Galveston, Texas -  September 25, 1871

    1863  Timely Advice
    The growth of intemperance in Kansas can but be viewed, with concern by all who have the future welfare of the State in view. The evil of drunkenness is becoming more and more a feature of our times. But few of us can look through the list, of our acquaintances and relatives without plainly seeing that this assertion is true. Since the war commenced, the fashion of drinking has increased immeasurably - our soldiers are removed from the restraints of home, the ties that have held men in...

    The Leavenworth Bulletin
    Leavenworth, Kansas
    Fri, September 25, 1863

    Visit , Kansas, USA!

    1939  September 25 - A west coast hurricane moved onshore south of Los Angeles bringing unprecedented rains along the southern coast of California.
    Nearly five and a half inches of rain drenched Los Angeles during a 24 hour period. The hurricane caused two million dollars damage, mostly to structures along the coast and to crops, and claimed 45 lives at sea. "El Cordonazo" produced 5.66 inches of rain at Los Angeles and 11.6 inches of rain at Mount Wilson, both records for the month of September.
    September 25, 1939

    Visit Los Angeles, California, USA!

    1890  Lamp Catches Woman on Fire
    Mrs Elihu Wing, wife of a wealthy farmer of Greenfield, N. Y., and mother of Daniel E. Wing, a prominent Saratoga lawyer, was burned to death, on the 20th, by her clothing catching fire from a lamp.

    Muskogee Phoenix
    Muskogee, Oklahoma
    September 25, 1890

    Visit Greenfield, Saratoga, New York, USA!

    1827  Lightning.
    The meeting house in Weston was struck with Lightning on the afternoon of the 15th inst. The fluid left the conductor about midway from the top to the ground, and did considerable damage to the interior of the house. The manner in which the conductor was constructed; probably owing to its not extending sufficiently deep in the earth and not communicating with water or some other conducting substance. - Worcester Spy.

    Connecticut Courant
    Hartford, Connecticut
    September 25, 1827

    Visit Weston, Connecticut, USA!

    US flag 

    America - Did you know?

     March 30, 1870 - U.S. acquires Alaska from Russia for the sum of $7.2 million.

    Canadian flag 

    Quebec - Did you know?

     On February 5, 1663, a great earthquake was felt throughout Northeastern North America. No deaths were recorded, but some people got the scare of their lives. For the clergy in New France, the cause was obvious. The earthquake was a sign of devine...Read MORE...

    History of Quebec for Dummies by Eric Bedard, published by John Wiley & Sons, Canada, Ltd.


    Picture of the Day

    Visit Geneva, New York, USA!

    Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

    Fay & Bowen Motor Boat Factory
    Fay & Bowen Motor Boat Factory
    1904 HELP WANTED ad St. John Daily Sun, St. John, New Brunswick - June 29, 1904
    1904 HELP WANTED ad
    St. John Daily Sun, St. John, New Brunswick - June 29, 1904

    Visit Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada!

    Died September 25


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