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Sunday, January 28, 2024


Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated January 28, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the January 28 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
    Braintree, Vermont, USA (Peth) (Snowsville) (Braintree Hill)

    1903 - BRAKEMAN KILLED BY TRAIN. Alphonse Gemme Struck by Boston Express at Braintree.

    Alphonse Gemme, a Central Vermont brakeman residing in this city, was struck by the Boston express, which is known as train No. 2, at Braintree yesterday afternoon, and instantly killed. His body was carried in the trucks of one of the rear cars as far as Bethel when it was discovered. The body was brought to this city on the 11:40 o'clock train this morning, and the funeral will be held at Holy Angels church Friday morning at 9 o'clock.

    Alphonse Gemme was 19 years old, and the only child of ... Read MORE...

    St Albans Messenger -  St Albans, Vermont -  January 28, 1903

    1880s Bradleys Super-Phosphate of Lime Bradley Fertilzer Co. Boston, Mass.  The Bradley Fertilizer Company was founded on the point of land adj
    Bradley's Super-Phosphate of Lime
    Bradley Fertilzer Co.
    Boston, Mass.

    "The Bradley Fertilizer Company was founded on the point of land adjacent to the Back River on Weymouth Neck in 1874 and remained in operation until 1982 when it was purchased by ConocoPhillips."

    "It became recognized as the world’s largest fertilizer plant..."

    Visit Boston, Massachusetts, USA!


    1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

    Gingerbread - One cup of molasses, one teaspoon of soda, beaten milk and molasses till white; butter, size of an egg, teaspoon ginger, cinnamon, cloves, salt; one-half cup sour milk in it one teaspoon saleratus or soda.
    1880s Crown Sewing Machines and Florence Oil Stoves The Florence Machine Co. Florence, Mass.  Just prior to the Civil War, Leander Langdon invent
    Crown Sewing Machines and Florence Oil Stoves
    The Florence Machine Co.
    Florence, Mass.

    Just prior to the Civil War, Leander Langdon invented and patented a sewing machine. Just five years later, the Florence Sewing Machine Company produced 20,000 sewing machines a year. By the 1870s, it was also producing stoves, becoming the Florence Machine Company...

    Visit Northampton, Massachusetts, USA (Florence)!

    Victorian man 

    1800s Advice and Etiquette for Men

    It is very rude, when at the table, to scratch any part of your body. It is also very indecent to rub your teeth with the tablecloth or napkin; and to endeavour to pick them with your finger is more so.
    Cumberland, Rhode Island, USA (Valley Falls) (Ashton) (Cumberland Hill)


    Man Strikes Match in Gas-Filled Room of Tenement House; Family Dies

    (By Tribune's Special Leased Wire)
    CUMBERLAND, R.I., Jan. 28 - Fifteen persons met death in a terrific gas explosion that early to-day demolished a tenement house owned by the Manville Mills. An entire family - mother, father and 11 children - was wiped out by the blast. A boarder died with them. Michael Conway, in whose home the explosion occurred, died in the ruins.

    The explosion is said to have occurred when Michael... Read MORE...

    The Winnipeg Tribune -  Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada -  January 28, 1924

    Niagara Falls, New York, USA


    Niagara Falls, N. Y., Jan. 28 - (AP) - An international crowd of several thousand lined the lofty banks of Niagara Gorge today for a glimpse of twisted steel and concrete on the icy carpet far below - all that remained of America's famous "Honeymoon Bridge."

    With a roar that drowned the cataract's thunder, the towering structure succumbed late yesterday to a 30-hour battering by the worst Niagara river ice jam in 30 years.

    It was the second span on the side to fall from attacks by nature. ... Read MORE...

    The Lima News -  Lima, Ohio -  January 28, 1938

    Saratoga Springs, New York, USA

    1957 - Fire

    Saratoga Springs, N.Y. (UP) - A fire apparently started by an oil burner explosion raged through a downtown block of this famous resort city for five hours Sunday, killing one person, injuring four others and leaving 30 families homeless.

    Firemen believe an oil burner explosion in the Paris Bowling alley started the $2.5 million blaze and spread from there throughout eight buildings in the crowded city block.

    Policeman FRED PETTIT, 41, was killed when a second explosion collapsed a... Read MORE...

    Long Beach Independent -  Long Beach, California -  January 28, 1957

    1902  January 28 – The Carnegie Institution is founded in Washington, DC with a $10 million gift from Andrew Carnegie.

    Visit Washington, DC, USA!

    1888  Near Dunkirk, N. Y., a gas well was yielding one million feet per day on the 21st.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Dunkirk, New York, USA!

    1888  An epidemic of meningitis was on the 20th depopulating Asheville, N. C., at the rate of a dozen deaths a day,
    all attempts to check it proving futile. Many inhabitants were leaving town.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Asheville, North Carolina, USA!

    1871  The King of Bavaria came near drowning last December.
    He was skating in the neighborhood of Munich, when the ice broke and he fell in. A private soldier who was near saved the King's life with great difficulty at the risk of his own life. The King presented the server with a large sum of money and made him an officer on the spot.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Munich, Bavaria, Germany!

    1888  At Victoria, B. C., the discovery was made on the 24th of a powerful Chinese society whose object was to murder at $500 a head.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Victoria, British Columbia, Canada!

    1888  In Wisconsin spirit thermometers on the 21st registered 68 degrees below zero at Chippewa Falls,
    36 below at Janesville, 55 at Hudson, 52 at Dartford, 53 at Princeton, 50 at Sparta, 52 at Green Lake, and extreme cold was reported in other portions of the State. In the northern portions of Michigan it was 40 degrees below, and in Iowa from 32 to 40 degrees below zero. In Minnesota and Dakota from 49 to 52 below was also reported.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, USA!

    1888  A fire on the 25th in Barber & Co.'s thread-mill at Allentown, Pa., caused a loss of $250,000.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA!

    1888  Governor Martin, of Kansas, authorized the statement on the 23d that great distress prevailed in the extreme southwestern part of the State, owing to the failure of the crops last year and the rigor of the winter.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit , Kansas, USA!

    1888  An Apache Indian at San Carlos, A. T., got drunk on the 21st, killed his wife and child, and was shot by a sergeant of the guard.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit , Arizona, USA!

    1888  Brewere Arsendorf, who was twice tried at Sioux City, Ia., for the Haddock murder, spent a fortune. His defense cost him over $175,000 and he is now reduced to traveling for a Milwaukee concern.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Sioux City, Iowa, USA!

    1888  In Western Nebraska a coal famine existed on the 21st, and coal trains on the Union Pacific were being stopped and robbed.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit , Nebraska, USA!

    1888  In portions of Vermont and New Hampshire the mercury registered 30 degrees below zero on the 21st.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit , Vermont, USA!

    1888  A portion of the Holyoke (Mass.) Envelope Company;s mill was burned on the 22d. Loss, $325,000.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Holyoke, Massachusetts, USA!

    1888  On the 21st Oscar F. Beckwith, the Austerlitz murderer was sentenced to be hanged March 1, at Hudson, N. Y. This was the sixth time he had been sentenced.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Hudson, New York, USA!

    1888  The doors of the First National Bank of Auburn, N.Y., were closed on the 23d, the result of a defalcation of $200,000 on the part of its cashier, Charles O'Brien, who had fled.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Auburn, New York, USA!

    1888  Three earthquake shocks occurred on the morning of the 23d at Newburyport, Mass., and houses four miles from town were violently shaken.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Newburyport, Massachusetts, USA!

    1871  Boiler Explodes
    A locomotive exploded its boiler near Hinsdale, on the Boston & Albany Railroad a few nights ago, scalding five men, two of whom, Engineer Hustard and Joseph H. Eustace, of Boston, have since died.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Hinsdale, Massachusetts, USA!

    1871  Clock Accident
    A few days ago, while the clock on the St. James Episcopal Church, in Old-town, Me., was being wound up, the chain attached to one of the wights parted, and the ponderous iron weight went crushing through the ceilings and floorings, passing directly through the chancel in to the basement of the building.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Old Town, Maine, USA!

    1871  Revolver Maker Leaves Large Fortune
    Ethan Allen, who recently died in Worcester, Mass., at the age of sixty-four, preceded Colt in the manufacture of revolvers. One of his earliest inventions was the "pepper-box revolver," produced in 1845. He leaves a large fortune.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Worcester, Massachusetts, USA!

    1871  Sophisticated Young Criminals
    In Sacramento, Cal., a band of nine boys has just been broken up, which had all the signs, passwords, etc., of an organized robber band, and within two years had committed many crimes.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Sacramento, California, USA!

    1871  Killed by a Pencil
    A Mr. Bonacher, of Sharon, Penn., recently slipped and fell, and the point of a lead pencil which he carried in his pocket penetrated his side, causing almost instant death.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Sharon, Pennsylvania, USA!

    1871  Double Tragedy
    A young married woman, apparently in good health, fell dead in Coatesville, Chester Co., Pa., a few days ago, while preparing dinner, and her aged mother, hastening down stairs on being summoned, fell and was killed instantly.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Coatesville, Pennsylvania, USA!

    1871  Oyster Can Explodes
    A sealed can of oysters carelessly left on the embers in a store at Lexington, Ky., the other day, exploded with tremendous force, bursting the grate to atoms, shaking the house, and severely injuring a bystander.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan

    Visit Lexington, Kentucky, USA!

    Boston, Jan. 28. - The Pauline street grammar school at Winthrop was destroyed by fire and three firemen were injured by falling timbers. The loss is about $40,000. The firemen were considerably hampered by frozen hydrants and it was some minutes after the department arrived before any water could be obtained. The school accommodated 480 pupils.

    The Fitchburg Sentinel
    Fitchburg, Massachusetts

    Visit Winthrop, Massachusetts, USA!

    1853  Fire at Springfield, Vermont.
    SPRINGFIELD, Vt., Monday, Jan. 26. A large Grist and Saw Mill, two miles south of Centre Village, Springfield, Vt., belonging to William Gould, was destroyed by fire this morning. Insured for $2,300 in the New Hampshire Mutual, Concord.

    The New York Times
    New York, New York

    Visit Springfield, Vermont, USA!

    BURLINGTON, Vt., Jan. 27. - At 7 o'clock this morning this city was visited by the severest gale for many years, doing great damage to property. One wall of the Burlington and Lamville Railroad depot, a lofty brick building, was blown in and the roof blown off. The roofs were also blown off two buildings of the Burlington Cotton Mill. Many chimneys were blown down, and trees were prostrated in all parts of the city. The ice was swept out of Lake Champlain and Burlington Bay almost in an...

    The New York Times
    New York, New York

    Visit Burlington, Vermont, USA!

    US flag 

    America - Did you know?

     Boulder City, Nevada, is one of the few places left in the state where gambling is illegal. The government did not want workers on the Hoover Dam to gamble their money away.

    Canadian flag 

    Quebec - Did you know?

     Eating while walking or standing on the street in Quebec is considered bad form.

    Picture of the Day

    Visit Montpelier, Vermont, USA!

    Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

    Montpelier Seminary
    Montpelier Seminary
    1880s Vacuum Harness Oil M. Haberbush  Lancaster, PA
    Vacuum Harness Oil
    M. Haberbush
    Lancaster, PA

    Visit Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA!

    Died January 28


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