Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.
In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated March 17, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.
From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.
So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the March 17 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
Buffalo, New York, USA
BUFFALO, N.Y., March 16. A most peculiar case came up in the Police Court here to-day, when a little girl between thirteen and fourteen years of age Applied to Judge King for a warrant for her husband. After some explanation it was given, for non-support. She said his name was Herbert F. Stone, and that he had married her in January last. Her name was Grace Kendall, and she is a ward of C. E. Kendall of the Kendall Manufacturing Company. When the huband was brought into court a most peculiar... Read MORE...
Boston Evening Journal - Boston, Massachusetts - March 17, 1887
1887 - A PECULIAR CASE. Boys and Girls Married by a Buffalo Clergyman.
BUFFALO, N.Y., March 16. A most peculiar case came up in the Police Court here to-day, when a little girl between thirteen and fourteen years of age Applied to Judge King for a warrant for her husband. After some explanation it was given, for non-support. She said his name was Herbert F. Stone, and that he had married her in January last. Her name was Grace Kendall, and she is a ward of C. E. Kendall of the Kendall Manufacturing Company. When the huband was brought into court a most peculiar... Read MORE...
Boston Evening Journal - Boston, Massachusetts - March 17, 1887

T. C. Tanke
Cor. Main and Eagle Streets
Buffalo, N.Y.
Ladies' Home Journal
November 1898
Visit Buffalo, New York, USA!
Cayuga County, New York, USA
Auburn, N.Y., March 16. - Frank Sheldon, a well known cattle dealer of Cayuga county, was yesterday convicted of murdering his wife and sentenced to be electrocuted during the week beginning April 25. The verdict was a surprise to all who have followed the case. The jury was out 84 1/ 2 hours. Sheldon received the sentence with scarcely visible emotion. George Sheldon, a brother, was bowed in grief, and Assemblyman Sheldon, a younger brother, covered his face with his handkerchief. The Sheldon... Read MORE...
Mount Camel Item - Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania - March 17, 1897
1897 - Sentenced to Electrocution
Auburn, N.Y., March 16. - Frank Sheldon, a well known cattle dealer of Cayuga county, was yesterday convicted of murdering his wife and sentenced to be electrocuted during the week beginning April 25. The verdict was a surprise to all who have followed the case. The jury was out 84 1/ 2 hours. Sheldon received the sentence with scarcely visible emotion. George Sheldon, a brother, was bowed in grief, and Assemblyman Sheldon, a younger brother, covered his face with his handkerchief. The Sheldon... Read MORE...
Mount Camel Item - Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania - March 17, 1897

1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes
A Simple Apple Sauce

1849 - March 3 - The United States Congress passes the Gold Coinage Act allowing the minting of gold coins.
The following is the bill which passed the House of Representatives, authorizing the coinage of two important new gold pieces, of one and twenty dollars in value.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted, That it shall be lawful henceforward to make at the mint and its branches twenty dollar gold coins of the weight of five hundred and sixteen grains and gold collar coins of the weight of twenty five grains and eight-tenths, which coins shall be legal tenders of payment according to their nominal... Read MORE...
The Old North State - Elizabeth City, North Carolina - March 17, 1849

Pease Round Head Venetian Blinds
The Pease Co.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Ladies' Home Journal
September 1898
Visit Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (Losanteville)!

1800s Advice and Etiquette for Ladies
An Afternoon Tea - A card should be left for or sent to each lady receiving. No after call is necessary, as one"s appearance at the tea is a call. IF there is quite a crowd it is perfectly proper to depart without saying good-by to the hostess or the leadies receiving at any formal function. It is n
1888 - An order was issued by the Government of Denmark on the 10th forbidding the importation of American bacon and steam lard and other undressed pork products.
Swine products from the United States had begun to reach continental Europe in large quantities and were sold usually at prices below those charged for similar native products. For alleged sanitary reasons, several countries provided for a total exclusion of these products. On February 20, 1879, the Italian govern ment issued a decree prohibiting the importation of swine, pork, and hog products from the United States. Less than three months later this prohibition was made to apply gener ally to ... Read MORE...
St Joseph Herald - Saint Joseph, Michigan - March 17, 1888
Jamestown, Rhode Island, USA
JAMESTOWN, R. I., March 17 (AP) - An inquest probably will be begun today into the deaths last night of four patients and an orderly trapped by fire in the No. 3 cottage at the private sanitarium of Dr. W. L. Bates here.
A fifth patient, MATTHEW COX, 50, of Providence was pulled from a second story window by an employe and dropped into the arms of waiting nurses. He was seriously burned.
The dead are:
EDWARD SHEA, patient, of Ashton.
KATHERYN L. GERHARD, 46, a patient, of East...
Syracuse Herald - Syracuse, New York - March 17, 1931
JAMESTOWN, R. I., March 17 (AP) - An inquest probably will be begun today into the deaths last night of four patients and an orderly trapped by fire in the No. 3 cottage at the private sanitarium of Dr. W. L. Bates here.
A fifth patient, MATTHEW COX, 50, of Providence was pulled from a second story window by an employe and dropped into the arms of waiting nurses. He was seriously burned.
The dead are:
EDWARD SHEA, patient, of Ashton.
KATHERYN L. GERHARD, 46, a patient, of East...
Syracuse Herald - Syracuse, New York - March 17, 1931
Little Rock, Arkansas, USA
Little Rock, Ark., March 17 - (AP) - Nine soldiers drowned and two others are missing in a large lake five miles north of here after an accident in amphibious maneuvers last night in a second major tragedy to overtake the 66th Division within the last week.
The drownings occurred in Lake No. 2, largest of a chain of seven artificial bodies of water in Lakewood, a sparsely settled residential development east of the Camp Robinson reservation.
The public relations office said the accidents...
Chillicothe Constitution Tribune - Chillicothe, Missouri - March 17, 1944
Little Rock, Ark., March 17 - (AP) - Nine soldiers drowned and two others are missing in a large lake five miles north of here after an accident in amphibious maneuvers last night in a second major tragedy to overtake the 66th Division within the last week.
The drownings occurred in Lake No. 2, largest of a chain of seven artificial bodies of water in Lakewood, a sparsely settled residential development east of the Camp Robinson reservation.
The public relations office said the accidents...
Chillicothe Constitution Tribune - Chillicothe, Missouri - March 17, 1944
Springport, New York, USA (Union Springs)
The village of Union Springs, N. Y., is about to try a novel experiment in the way of temperance reform. A number of prominent citizens, including the village president and several clergymen, propose to take under control the sale of intoxicating liquors. Their object, they declare, is to "supply the reasonable wants of temperate persons" for alcoholic stimulants. No treating is to be allowed, and neither drunkenness nor an approach to it is to be permitted. A committee will pass upon the names ... Read MORE...
The Coffeyville Weekly Journal - Coffeyville, Kansas - March 17, 1893
1893 - Temperance Reform Experiment
The village of Union Springs, N. Y., is about to try a novel experiment in the way of temperance reform. A number of prominent citizens, including the village president and several clergymen, propose to take under control the sale of intoxicating liquors. Their object, they declare, is to "supply the reasonable wants of temperate persons" for alcoholic stimulants. No treating is to be allowed, and neither drunkenness nor an approach to it is to be permitted. A committee will pass upon the names ... Read MORE...
The Coffeyville Weekly Journal - Coffeyville, Kansas - March 17, 1893
Wallingford, Connecticut, USA
WALLINGFORD, Conn., March 16. - Early this morning Constable Roger S. Austin, tired and dusty after a long trip, reached this town, bringing with him as a prisoner Frank H. Morse, one of the best known young men in this neighborhood. An hour later young Morse was taken before Justice Bartholomew to answer to the charge of arson. There were two counts against him, and the case was continued to March 29, his father, Emory H. Morse, giving bonds for him in the sum of $5,500. To say that the whole... Read MORE...
The New York Times - New York, New York - March 17, 1886
WALLINGFORD, Conn., March 16. - Early this morning Constable Roger S. Austin, tired and dusty after a long trip, reached this town, bringing with him as a prisoner Frank H. Morse, one of the best known young men in this neighborhood. An hour later young Morse was taken before Justice Bartholomew to answer to the charge of arson. There were two counts against him, and the case was continued to March 29, his father, Emory H. Morse, giving bonds for him in the sum of $5,500. To say that the whole... Read MORE...
The New York Times - New York, New York - March 17, 1886
1907 Marietta Flood
At Marietta two-thirds of the city is flooded and there is considerable suffering among the inhabitants. The people are in dire distress as nearly all the groceries in the town have been flooded. Flour is delivered to the people on the hill who are baking bread for those who have been driven from their homes. William McCracken, his wife and two children were drowned. They were forced to the second floor by the flood and the swift current upset the house, the entire family being lost.
Plain Dealer
Cleveland, Ohio
March 17, 1907
Visit Marietta, Ohio, USA!
1931 March 17 – Nevada legalizes gambling.
March 17, 1931
Visit , Nevada, USA!
1886 March 17 – Carrollton Massacre: 20 African Americans are killed in Mississippi.
March 17, 1886
Visit , Mississippi, USA!
At Marietta two-thirds of the city is flooded and there is considerable suffering among the inhabitants. The people are in dire distress as nearly all the groceries in the town have been flooded. Flour is delivered to the people on the hill who are baking bread for those who have been driven from their homes. William McCracken, his wife and two children were drowned. They were forced to the second floor by the flood and the swift current upset the house, the entire family being lost.
Plain Dealer
Cleveland, Ohio
March 17, 1907
Visit Marietta, Ohio, USA!
1931 March 17 – Nevada legalizes gambling.
March 17, 1931
Visit , Nevada, USA!
1886 March 17 – Carrollton Massacre: 20 African Americans are killed in Mississippi.
March 17, 1886
Visit , Mississippi, USA!
1906 March 17 - The temperature at Snake River, WY, dipped to 50 degrees below zero, a record for the U.S. for the month of March.
March 17, 1906
Visit , Wyoming, USA!
1888 In St Louis on the 13th a case of leprosy was discovered, the patient being Choo Fay, a Chinese laundryman. Fay has been in this country several years.
St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
March 17, 1888
Visit St Louis, Missouri, USA!
1888 The factory of the Buckeye Buggy Company at Columbus, O., was burned on the 13th, causing a loss of $150,000.
St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
March 17, 1888
Visit Columbus, Ohio, USA!
March 17, 1906
Visit , Wyoming, USA!
1888 In St Louis on the 13th a case of leprosy was discovered, the patient being Choo Fay, a Chinese laundryman. Fay has been in this country several years.
St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
March 17, 1888
Visit St Louis, Missouri, USA!
1888 The factory of the Buckeye Buggy Company at Columbus, O., was burned on the 13th, causing a loss of $150,000.
St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
March 17, 1888
Visit Columbus, Ohio, USA!
1888 At Marietta, O, an incendiary fire on the 13th burned the office of the Marietta Register,
besides a book-store and several buildings, the loss being over $50,000.
St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
March 17, 1888
Visit Marietta, Ohio, USA!
1888 The silver wedding of the Prince and Princess of Wales was celebrated in London on the 10th.
St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
March 17, 1888
Visit , Wales (United Kingdom)!
1888 Extensive floods in Austro-Hungary were reported on the 13th.
Bridges had been swept away and large areas converted into lakes. Several villages were submerged and a large number of person had been drowned. A fire destroyed the market place at Cabin, Hungary, on the 13th, and many persons perished in the flames.
St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
March 17, 1888
Visit , Hungary (Austria-Hungary)!
besides a book-store and several buildings, the loss being over $50,000.
St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
March 17, 1888
Visit Marietta, Ohio, USA!
1888 The silver wedding of the Prince and Princess of Wales was celebrated in London on the 10th.
St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
March 17, 1888
Visit , Wales (United Kingdom)!
1888 Extensive floods in Austro-Hungary were reported on the 13th.
Bridges had been swept away and large areas converted into lakes. Several villages were submerged and a large number of person had been drowned. A fire destroyed the market place at Cabin, Hungary, on the 13th, and many persons perished in the flames.
St Joseph Herald
Saint Joseph, Michigan
March 17, 1888
Visit , Hungary (Austria-Hungary)!
Skowegan, Me., March 17. - Leroy McPhierson, 22, of Mapleton, Arlistook conty[sic], died at midnight Saturday at the Kennebec Valley Hospital, Skowhegan, as the result of injuries received from a blast of dynamite while employed at Wyman Dam, Bingham. He was brought to the hospital at 8:30 Saturday night. One leg was amputated.
Portsmouth Herald
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
March 17, 1930
Visit Skowhegan, Maine, USA (Bloomfield)!
Pueblo, Colo. - By the collapse of the concrete roof over a section of the huge new round house of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad, which is in course of construction here, Tuesday, one man was instantly killed and three others were badly injured. Dead: HARRY ROBBIE. Injured: W. H. McFADDEN, perhaps fatally. OSCAR KEEL and BERT WALTON were both badly cut and bruised by falling debris.
Garland Globe
Garland, Utah
March 17, 1906
Visit Pueblo, Colorado, USA!
1776 March 17 - British, Get Out!
Colonial troops force British to evacuate Boston.
March 17, 1776
Visit Boston, Massachusetts, USA!
Skowegan, Me., March 17. - Leroy McPhierson, 22, of Mapleton, Arlistook conty[sic], died at midnight Saturday at the Kennebec Valley Hospital, Skowhegan, as the result of injuries received from a blast of dynamite while employed at Wyman Dam, Bingham. He was brought to the hospital at 8:30 Saturday night. One leg was amputated.
Portsmouth Herald
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
March 17, 1930
Visit Skowhegan, Maine, USA (Bloomfield)!
Pueblo, Colo. - By the collapse of the concrete roof over a section of the huge new round house of the Denver & Rio Grande railroad, which is in course of construction here, Tuesday, one man was instantly killed and three others were badly injured. Dead: HARRY ROBBIE. Injured: W. H. McFADDEN, perhaps fatally. OSCAR KEEL and BERT WALTON were both badly cut and bruised by falling debris.
Garland Globe
Garland, Utah
March 17, 1906
Visit Pueblo, Colorado, USA!
1776 March 17 - British, Get Out!
Colonial troops force British to evacuate Boston.
March 17, 1776
Visit Boston, Massachusetts, USA!
1887 NORWICH, Conn., March 16. - St. Patrick's Catholic Church was damaged to the extent of $10,000 by fire to-day.
The building cost $250,000, and is insured for $52,000. The fire was caused by a careless altar boy dropping a coal from the censer.
Dallas Morning News
Dallas, Texas
March 17, 1887
Visit Norwich, Connecticut, USA (Norwichtown) (Yantic) (Greeneville) (Occum) (Taftville)!
The building cost $250,000, and is insured for $52,000. The fire was caused by a careless altar boy dropping a coal from the censer.
Dallas Morning News
Dallas, Texas
March 17, 1887
Visit Norwich, Connecticut, USA (Norwichtown) (Yantic) (Greeneville) (Occum) (Taftville)!

America - Did you know?
1857 - Dred Scott v. Sanford: Landmark Supreme Court decision holds that Congress does not have the right to ban slavery in states and, furthermore, that slaves are not citizens.
Quebec - Did you know?
In Quebec, it's considered bad form to ask for a martini or scotch before dinner — French Canadians consider them "palate numbing." Typical before-dinner drinks include Pernod, kir, champagne, and vermouth. Cognac, Grand Marnier and/ or other...Read MORE...ediplomat.com

Picture of the Day
Visit Westerly, Rhode Island, USA (Watch Hill) (Misquamicut)!
Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

West Broad Street High School

Toy Electric Railway
The Carlisle & Finch Co.
Cincinnati, Ohio
Ladies' Home Journal
December 1898
Visit Cincinnati, Ohio, USA (Losanteville)!