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Monday, March 18, 2024

March 19 News - 1857 - He Died At His Post

Welcome to our blog, where we embark on a captivating journey through time, exploring the rich tapestry of history and genealogy.  In this edition, we'll delve into the treasure trove of historical news articles dated March 19, unearthing stories that resonate with genealogists and history enthusiasts alike.  From local happenings to global events, we'll uncover the stories that shaped the lives of our ancestors, providing valuable insights for those on a quest to discover their roots.  So, grab your magnifying glass and step into the past as we unravel the March 19 historical headlines that may hold the missing pieces of your family's history puzzle.
    Vernon, Vermont, USA

    1936 - Big Vermont Dam Goes Out; Deaths In Its Path Feared.

    BOSTON, Mass., March 18 (AP). - A $1,000,000 dam at Vernon, Vt., went roaring out before the force of the flood swollen Connecticut River Wednesday night. State police announced as they ordered everybody out of the valley below.

    The power dam yielded at 11:10 p.m. Its powerhouse had been abandoned shortly before. A six-mile ice jam to the north had caused apprehension for several days.

    Residents of Hatfield were marooned The report said Hadley and Sutherland were abandoned. Northfield was ... Read MORE...

    Dallas Morning News -  Dallas, Texas -  March 19, 1936


    1800s Cooking Tips and Recipes

    To stuff and roast a Turkey or Fowl.

    One pound soft wheat bread, three ounces beef suet, three eggs, a little sweet thyme, marjoram, pepper and salt, and some add a gill of wine; fill the bird therewith, and sew up, hang down to a steady solid...Read MORE...

    Amelia Simmons’ American Cookery, 1814

    1890s Charles E. Hires Root Beer
    Charles E. Hires Root Beer

    Visit Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA!

    Greenwich, Connecticut, USA (Glenville)


    But Firemen Save the Edgewood Inn, Threatened by the Flames.
    Special to The New York Times.

    GREENWICH, Conn., March 18. - The large casino of the Edgewood Inn, owned by Miss Louise Edward and Miss Mary Dillan, was completely destroyed by fire this afternoon.

    A grass fire was discovered in the vacant lot a short distance from the building, and Superintendent Henry Conners of the inn and grounds with other employes{sis} attempted to extinguish the blaze with brooms, but a high wind blew... Read MORE...

    The New York Times -  New York, New York -  March 19, 1922

    1949  Woodworking Mill Destroyed In Seabrook Fire
    STATE AP NEWS Seabrook, March 19 --- Woodworking mill of Charles Adams and Myron Brown was completely destroyed by fire yesterday afternoon. The owners said their loss was $9,000. The fire was discovered by Adams and two workers at the back end of the structure. Efforts were made to put it out with a hand extinguisher but the flames gained rapidly. Fire departments from three neighboring communities assisted the Seabrook unit in confining the blaze to the wood-working plant.

    Nashua Telegraph
    Nashua, New Hampshire
    March 19, 1949

    Visit Seabrook, New Hampshire, USA!

    1936  Connecticut Dam Breaks.
    WILLIMANTIC, Conn., March 18. (UP). - The North Windham Dam and the pumping station dam at Willimantic broke under pressure of waters of the Shetucket River Wednesday night. State police warned residents of the river valley to seek safety.

    Dallas Morning News
    Dallas, Texas
    March 19, 1936

    Visit Windham, Connecticut, USA (Willimantic)!

    1935  March 19 – Harlem Riot of 1935: A race riot breaks out in Harlem (New York City) after a rumor circulates that a teenage Puerto Rican shoplifter in the S. H. Kress & Co. department store has been brutally beaten.
    March 19, 1935

    Visit Manhattan, New York, USA (New York City) (New Amsterdam) (Washington Heights)!

    1950  March 19 - Timberline Lodge reported 246 inches of snow on the ground, a record for the state of Oregon.

    The Weather Channel
    March 19, 1950

    Visit , Oregon, USA!

    1870  Stays Cold
    An ice house in Lee, Mass., is said to contain a quantity of ice packed in it seventeen years ago.

    St Joseph Herald
    Saint Joseph, Michigan
    March 19, 1870

    Visit Lee, Massachusetts, USA!

    1857  He Died At His Post.
    A sad, but beautiful and touching, scene was witnessed at the accident at Du Page bridge. On the morning after the accident the slow tolling of a bell was heard. On looking to see whence it came, it was discovered to proceed from the engine as it lay submerged in the water. The waves as they foamed and surged over the sunken engine swayed the bell, which alone with the smoke-pipe appeared above water, and caused it to give it a tolling sound. When the engine was raised from the water the...

    The Agitator
    March 19, 1857

    Visit Joliet, Illinois, USA!

    1903  EIGHT PERSONS ARE INJURED. Court House Elevator Drops Five Stories.
    Louisville, Ky., March 18.- The elevator at the Jefferson county court house here fell five stories today and cause the injury of eight persons, two of whom are thought to be seriously hurt. The seriously injured are: Mrs. Agnes Wilson, back broken. Mrs. Ed Simon, head crushed and internally injured. There were fourteen persons in the car at the time the accident occurred. The entire carload of people boarded the elevator at the top floor.

    Morning World-Herald
    Omaha, Nebraska
    March 19, 1903

    Visit Louisville, Kentucky, USA!

    US flag 

    America - Did you know?

     Bite the Bullet

    In pioneer times, if an arm or leg was seriously wounded or badly broken, it would have to be cut off. There were no serious painkillers for the operation. The patient was given a bullet to bite on so they wouldn't scream. Today,...Read MORE...

    Mormon Station State Historic Park. Genoa, Nevada

    Canadian flag 

    Quebec - Did you know?

     Eating while walking or standing on the street in Quebec is considered bad form.

    Picture of the Day

    Visit , Germany (German States) (German Empire)!

    Discover the people who lived there, the places they visited and the stories they shared.

    1880s Bogards Fine Shoes St. Louis
    Bogards Fine Shoes
    St. Louis

    Visit St Louis, Missouri, USA!

    Died March 19


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